CH. 32 We're going home

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CH. 32 We're going home.

(Tut POV)

Mala was sleeping in the moving cabin, my brother was staring at me.

"Yes?" I asked out, letting out a sigh. Knowing he wanted to talk to me.

"I see that you two are together now," Kronos said smiling at me.

I let out a small smile.

"Okay and what if we're together?" I asked my little brother.

He let out a small chuckle.

"You two bring out the beauty in each other. As long as you're a happy older brother. That is what matters." My little brother said to me causing my eyes to widen.

I smiled at him, knowing that the love I have for him will always be genuine.

I have no idea how a woman like that, had a sweet little boy like this.

Now I could say that maybe he was switched at birth, maybe she was given him but I know for a fact that wasn't true. Especially since he looks just like his mother.

Although he looks like her, I prefer his face over hers.

"Well, it seems like I am not the only one who is fond of someone. Considering you're also." I said to him, watching as his eyes widen.

"Whatever do you mean?" He asked me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh, I've seen the way you've been looking at a certain someone," I said to him, I watched as he lowered his eyes.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked.

"Well, to me it is and it was to Mala also. Although Leo seems not to notice yet, which I have no idea how or why he hasn't." I said shrugging my shoulders.

Some people just don't notice things.

Kronos nodded his head and let out a sigh.

"We can't be together." He said.

I nodded my head, he looked at me with a sad expression.

"Of course you two can't be together, you haven't told him you like him yet and you don't know if he feels the same way," I said to my brother, his eyes widened again.

"No I mean, him and I can't be together because we're two different types of people," Kronos said, I rolled my eyes at my brother.

"If you're going to let a rank stop you from going after someone who you have strong feelings for then so be it, but nothing can stop people who want to be together. Nothing at all." I said turning to look at Mala.

"Not even time, not even evil, not even the universe can stop the strong bond of emotions that can turn into love," I said, smiling as Mala continues to snore.

"But you will have to tell him you like him, I'm just speaking everything into existence. I mean, if you want me to push you near him I will." I said to my brother watching him quickly shake his head, not liking the idea.

"No no, I'll try talking to him. I'm just nervous." He said letting out a sigh.

"As you should be, telling someone how you feel about them is something that causes anyone to be nervous but it should be done. I mean, I would hate for you to live your life with regret when you could have the chance to tell someone how you feel. Especially if they could feel the same way about you too." I said. My brother's eyes widened even more and I was going to tease him that if he kept doing that, that his eyeballs would fall out their sockets.

"You think he feels the same way?" He asks me and I shrug.

"I'm not him Kronos, but I've seen the way he stares at you and it is the same way you stare at him. I'm just simply making an assumption that's all. It won't be hurt just to talk to him about it though. You never know, maybe he feels what you feel right now." I said to him, he paused for a couple minutes.

It looks like he was letting my words settle in.

"Okay, I'll do it, but if I get rejected I'm going to blame you." He said with a pouty face, causing me to chuckle.

"You won't get rejected and I love it how mellow you're about being kidnapped," I said to him, I watched as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You're my brother, I trust you and love you. I know my mother is evil, I also know lots of people can't believe how she bares a child like me." He said, causing me to nod quickly which got a laugh out of him.

"You know, I know she's evil to others but she shows me a different side. I know it will be hard to believe but I've never seen her evil side, it's quite the opposite. With me that is." My brother said.

I nodded my head.

"So you've seen your mother good side while everyone else seen her bad side? Which is what you're saying?" I asked him.

He tilted his head.

"I never said she had a good side, I just said she shows me a different side. Even the evilest creature is kind to someone. I know my mother is Evil, but she is still my mother. You can love someone but not love what they do, I love my mother but I don't love the evil things she does and if it ever comes down for her to pay for what she has done to others. I won't stop it from happening. I know she will have to be punished for it, I understand that. Just because she shows me another side doesn't make her a good person. She is still a bad person, I know that but she is still my mother. I love her as a mother but not as a person." My brother said.

I stared at him.

"You're very mature for your age you know? I am extremely proud of you. I love you Kronos. Know that." I said to him watching as his cheeks turn red.

"I know, I love you too brother." He said to me, I smiled.

Mala moved in her sleep, she moved and dropped her head on my lap.

A snicker came from Kronos as we both stared at a sleepy Mala.

"I hope the emotions, feelings, and love you two have for each other last many lifetimes," Kronos said to me causing me to smile.

"Oh you have no idea, trust me it will," I said, rubbing my fingers through Mala hair.

"She's in this lifetime with me right now for a reason and there's no way I am going to be without her now."

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Awww, we got to see a little bit of Kronos today Dolls! How adorable and understanding is he?!

Did you all love the Advice Tut gave his little brother?!

Do you all think Mala is sleeping for real?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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