CH. 29 Let's go

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CH. 29 Let's go

(Amala POV)

When Tut had said I've seen nothing yet, well he wasn't kidding.

Throughout the whole entire ride from the back of this kingdom, I've seen things that I wish I hadn't seen.

It makes you realize, that no matter how much you complain about your time, you got to realize it could be worse.

Yes, things were going around in my Era, but at least my Era wasn't like this.

If was like this, then I would truly be going insane.

When we got out the chariot cabin, Tut helped me out and I didn't protest.

A man approached Tut, he bowed to him and he bowed to me, I was still getting used to the whole people bowing to me thing.

I gave the man a smile and his eyes widened, he looked taken off guard but smile at me back.

Did people not smile at others in this era? I realized it was uncommon for someone in the high status to smile at someone in the low status but I didn't care.

I obviously wasn't following anything here anyway, I refused to act like I was above another Human being. That was something that wasn't going to happen.

"Your Highness, Mistress. I know where they're being kept." The man said, my eyes widened on the fact that for some reason Tut already had someone doing work for him and figuring things out.

Tut nodded his head and look back at his men.

"Remember what I told you two earlier, go find those people and bring them here." He said to the two men in the group. They nodded their heads and walked away.

What people?

I thought we were only here to get the children of those people that were taken and Tut brother. Did Tut make another plan without me?

I was going to ask him, but the look on his face was a look of business when he was talking to the man who had spoken before.

This obviously wasn't a time to ask questions, I would trust Tut.

He's already proven himself to me anyway.

The man nodded as he continued talking to Tut and I turned to look at Ramo and Leo.

I smiled at them, walking towards them and rubbing their heads.

"Hello, there my babies. Did you guys have any problem with the ride here?" I asked them, their eyes widened.

"Oh no, no. We're fine. How are you, Mistress." Leo said and I rolled my eyes.

Ramo snicked, but quickly hushed himself.

I gave him a goofy look.

"It's okay to laugh around me," I said pulling them both into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around both of them and breathe their scent in.

I don't know I felt so close to these two but I just did.

"I told you guys to call me Amala no more Mistress, okay?" I said and they looked up at me.

"Okay." They both said and I smiled giving them both a kiss on the forehead.

"Mala," Tut said when he approached us with the Man.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"You go with Ramo with Kriston, I'll go with Leo to see my brother," Tut said causing my eyes to widen.

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