CH. 20 It's Her

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CH. 20 It's Her

(Tut POV)

The look on Mala face made me want to take her far away from here and protect her.

I should have known, it was her that was up to this. I should have known it was that evil woman. I suspected her of planning something way before Mala even showed up which was why I called Zalic to handle it. The reasons why I choose Zalic was because I trusted him and more other reasons.

When Mala made it be known who it was that was actually doing this, I froze because it shows how someone will go far just to get what they want. Even though I wouldn't consider my mother by law a person. That woman is vicious and I have no idea how a woman like that could have birth a sweet boy, her son was nothing like her. My poor half-brother was probably unaware of what was going on.

Talk about a kid being stuck in a battle his mother wants to cause.

Seeing the expression of the people in the room to what Mala said, had me raising my brow.

"Come on, it can't be that much of a shock that the Queen wants Me and My other brothers did, so she can make her Son the King. My poor young half-brother is unaware of what his evil Mother is capable of doing and what she can do. Surely you all see how greedy the Queen is." I said running my fingers through my hair.

This whole thing was going to be a mess, yes. Mala and I could speak to the people who are confused, yes we can let it be known who is actually doing all of this but the fact that the Queen actually had a head start on already starting her plan made me uncomfortable.

"We need to save these kids," I said.

My Guard Salem spoke. "Pharaoh, the Queen surely has planned this all out. How will the kids be saved?" He said, looking to be in deep concentration.

"We would need a plan, this is a woman who likes playing games and being devious. She most likely has plenty of plans thought out and she definitely has someone or people helping her. You said the men brought you the clothes, well how did they get Zalic's clothes? Or better yet, who gave it to them?" Mala asked, asking Zalic's mother.

Zalic mother eyes widen, "They told me it was given to them, by someone who witnessed and didn't want to be named." She said and Mala nodded her head looking at Zalic.

"It must have been the person who stole my bracelet and bag of clothes," Zalic said.

"See, that person is most likely working for the Queen," Mala said shrugging her shoulders.

"May I ask your name, Zalic mother," Mala asked her and her eyes widen, being taken back.

I could understand why Mala, wanted to address her by her name. Mala already showed me she was someone who didn't care about someone status, she was going to respect you for you. She was going to address you the right way.

"My name is Kyrina Mistress." She said and Mala nodded her head, turning to look at Atticus

I turned my head towards Atticus, who was with the man who looked angrier earlier. He looked lost, I felt upset for him. No one deserved to go through this.

"Atticus, how well do you know the other man? The one that was with you." I asked and his eyes widen.

"We grew up together, we're childhood friends Pharaoh." He said and I nodded my head.

I looked at Mala as we shared a look, it was like we were communicating with just our eyes. This was something I was proud of that we already had down. She nodded her head.

"It would easier to talk to him if you're present, should we have him brought here?" Mala asked me, I nodded my head.

"Yes, exactly what I was thinking. Everyone here was just pawns to a game, which could have led to many people dying for no reason." I said which got a guilty look from Zalic.

"You're forgiven, might seem as a shock coming from me but Mala has good points in stored I am sure for all of us like it was said before we're going to need a plan. Everyone is going to have to be on deck with this plan. Everyone is going to have a role on this plan because I am not the only that's going to need my revenge on her but the people kids she has taken are going to want to do something about it too. It's going to be hard to take a woman like that down." I said, this woman wasn't born into our family but because she was married to my father.

She had rank, rank that was given to her and the only way that could be taken care of is when you take that rank away.

As much as I hate to admit it, this woman was smart. I'm going to give her credit for that if only she could use it for good instead of the evil ways she is using it now.

You can't just expect that a woman like that would be taken down easily, especially without a fight or even worse. Death itself, because I already know who my Mother by law is. She won't stop until all my brothers and I are dead. The only way she could be stopped is if she is dead herself. As an older brother to my younger brother, I wouldn't want him to not have a mother.

After all, I don't have a mother myself, but if it comes down to that. I will have to do what I have to do.

I can't let someone like that keep hurting people because of a rank.

I have no idea why she became this way.

I let a sigh out, this was going to be a battle.

"Kaiden, bring the other man who's in the other room here, I think there's no point to having them separated anymore especially with everything that just been found out," I said and Kaiden nodded his head, opening the door and heading to get the other man.

I looked towards Mala, she was staring at me with an intense look. I raised a brow.

"I know it's going to be hard with this one. I'm sure you could tell my his expression from earlier." I said and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, but that's not what I am worried about." She said which held attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I'm hoping she isn't looking for more people, I'm sure the guy who stole Zalic stuff is working for her but not only that. Maybe he's the one that's been doing the kidnapping also. I just know that if this Queen doesn't get what she wants, she might become a little reckless." Mala said and I nodded my head.

"Guess will have to stop that from happening," I said

Mala looked at me directly.

"Hopefully we can, because if we can't. Innocent people are going to die, including me." She said as she turned to face the door.

The words that came out of her mouth had my heart clenching.

There was no way I was going to let that happened.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Tut, you better protect my girl Amala. Well, we all know that it's going to get really serious in the book. I mean, I'm giving you hints that it's going to go to that road. Of course, a lot of things are going to happen that will have you shock, mouth drops open, tears coming out of your eyes and hell you might even get mad. Remember Dolls, that Villans become Villans for a reason, that doesn't mean I support their ways at the end but I can see what made them break. You know what I mean? Well anyways. Give this chapter a


I'll see you all on the next update.


-Kassandra Vivu

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