CH. 77 Payback hurts.

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CH. 77 Payback hurts.

(Tut POV)

I can hear the murmurs when as we walk towards my home.

I didn't care about what they were talking about, and neither was I paying them any attention. I know for a fact that they were curious about the number of people I came back with, and I know that they were wondering who those people were.

I had everyone that I brought back with me; everyone trapped down there, just like my mother was covered. I didn't anyone seeing them; these were people that were taken from their homes and loved ones. Princesses, Priestess, people that were loved by their loved ones, and people who were taken from everything that they knew.

These are people that some people will recognize if they weren't covered; I had to keep them safe. The last thing I need is anything happening to them or word getting out that they're here.

I also had my mother covered as I for sure don't want anyone to see her.

Not like they would know who she is or anything, but some of them might have some ideas.

We entered my home; I had a whole floor clear out for them to stay in.

The people my brothers went to get were most likely either already here as well or on their way here.

They to would be reunited with their loved ones and people who they thought they would never see again.

All of this became possible because of her.

I took a glance at Mala, and she was too busy checking to see that everyone. is doing okay and settling. It amazes me the way she is with others.

Mala doesn't care about rank, background, the color of the skin, or anything else.

She is the type of person that will stick her neck out for someone in need.

She helps others, knowing that it will put her in danger, but that's what I find myself loving about her stubborn self.

We reached the private floor that I was going to have everyone stay on, and that's when everyone was allowed to remove the clothes they were covering themselves with.

My father has done some horrible things. I have people from Anatolia, Babylon, Greece, and Rome here, Nubians, Egyptians, and more.

That bastard wanted to start a war because if anyone had happened to have found out before that he was the one who took these people, many wars would have started.

The horrible part is, none of us would have known. The people of this country would have never known what one of their Kings done. Their main king.

That he was more horrible than any of them would have thought of.

That he's even turned people, that he was able to make people snap.

The Queen Renequa, it was a surprise to me when I went to find her people with her and Mala.

The way they described her sounded like it had to be someone else.

That there was no way, it might have been the person they had to describe to me. That there was no way someone like that can suddenly turn into someone like this.

I didn't want to believe it, but I could; deep inside, I knew I could feel it.

After all, this man is my father. I, out of all people, should know what he's capable of.

Well, he was my father.

Was, because he will no longer be with us after all of this is done and dealt with.

"You all will be safe here; each one of you will be reunited with your families soon. I happened to have guessed that you were most likely taken by him and have already alerted your loved ones and to those of you who I didn't know were taken or couldn't figure out. Your loved ones are going to be alerted soon." I said to them.

"Mila." I heard my cousin's voice; I knew he wouldn't wait behind as soon as he heard the news.

I watch as Mila turned around to face my cousin, and tears form in her eyes as they both ran to each other in an embrace.

I saw the way my cousin wrapped his arm around Mila in a tight embrace as if he never planned on letting her go and to be honest. I completely understood after everything they've gone through apart and together.

After everything, everyone here has gone through.

It's proven that my father deserves the ultimate death.

I turned to look at my mother; although she looked tired, she had a soft smile on her face.

I realize she was staring at Mala, who was helping people get settle.

"She's truly a Goddess." She said, and I let out a chuckle, remembering Mala's events that she and I have gone through regarding her being a Goddess.

"She is a Goddess that gets herself in trouble and also out of it." I was honest with my words.

Mala is a fantastic person, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a handful.

"Why do I feel like you two have gotten yourselves into some situations." My mother said.

I smiled at her.

My mother was here with me; she was right in front of me.

She didn't get the chance to watch me grow up, to witness me to become an adult who face challenges and who was finding himself. She didn't get the opportunity to give me advice or be a mother to me.

We missed out on so many things with each other because they were taken from us.

"We have a lot of catching up to do, Mother," I said.

"We do, my son; I want to know about everything that I missed out on, dear. I want us not to rush it though, take your time with filling me in with everything that you have gone through. I want to know how my son grew up into an amazing man, which I can already tell." My mother said to me.

"I miss you, Mom; I love you," I said, wrapping my arms around her.

"I love you too." She said.

"Tut.... Can I ask you for a small favor?" My mother asked.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked her.

She pulled back and looked at me.

"I would like to see him."

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

She wants to see who? The Father.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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