CH. 40 What's the plan?

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CH. 40 What's the plan?

(Amala POV)

The sun was out, I could feel the beam of the light on my face.

I opened my eyes to find Tut face, close to mine.

His eyelids were still closed which told me that he was still sleeping.

I would have got out of bed, but the thing was. I couldn't because Tut had decided apparently to sleep with his arms wrapped around me.

Wrapped me around me so tight that I wouldn't be able to move or even get up if I wanted to.

When did I become a held hostage?

"Tut," I said, not even caring that I was going to wake him up from whatever peaceful sleep that he was having.

I wouldn't have bothered waking him up if he didn't have me held hostage in his arms right now.

"Tut, wake up. I can't move." I said, but there was no stir from the sleeping King.

"Great, he's a heavy sleeper," I said, letting out a sigh.

I tried moving out of his arms, but every time I would try to do that. I felt like his grip was getting tighter.

"What in the world. Tut, wake up. You're squeezing me to death here. I'm going to pop like a balloon if you don't wake up. Hell, you don't even know what a balloon is. Tut, wake up." I said. As I tried to move out of his arms and break his grip.

I felt another squeeze, there is no way this man is sleeping right now.

"Tut, I know you are not sleeping. Let me go." I said, which proved me to be right because Tut opened his eyelids and stared directly at me.

This punk head was pretending to sleep while he about almost squeezed me to death.

"Why are you trying to get out of bed." He asked, nuzzling his head on the side of my neck.

"Uh, maybe it's because the Queen is most likely going to show up later on the day and we must prepare ourselves, maybe that's why I am trying to get out of bed so I could come up with a plan besides confronting her," I said, wondering why he wasn't trying to get out of bed either.

"It's too early for that, the sun just rose." He said.

I let out a sigh.

"We can't be bums in bed for half of the day Tut, we are going to have to get up soon," I said.

"I don't know the meaning behind of the word bums, but being a bum is probably something I would want to do right now, so it doesn't sound bad." He said.

I let out a giggle on the fact that he knew nothing about the word or the meaning behind it but he knew it was something that he wanted to do.

"As cute, as you sound right now. I'm sorry to end it but you're going to have to get up sir." I said and Tut let out a sigh.

"Very well." He said. Sitting up and I let out a snort of laughter on the way his hair looked.

"What is it?" He asked me.

I ran my fingers through his hair, his eyelids closed and I could tell that he was enjoying it.

"Your hair just looked amusing," I said.

"Well, I hope it looks amusing every morning, just so I could get to hear you laugh like that." He said, causing my heart to leap.

"Smooth, very smooth," I said, not referring to his hair but how a compliment that consisted of him flirting was smooth.

"Food should be brought to us soon." He said, there was a knock on the door.

He got out of the bed, walked towards the door and smiled.

"Good morning boys." He said, looking at Kronos, Leo, and Ramo.

Leo was holding a tray filled with food and Ramo was holding a tray of a pitcher and cups.

"Good Morning." They all said together.

I got out of the bed, walking towards them. They smiled instantly. A giggle left Kronos mouth.

"My, the hairstyles you two are having this morning is quite lovely." He said. In an amusing tone, my eyes widened as I felt my hair.

I knew I had a shocked look on my face, not because of Kronos teasing, but because I forgot to wrap my hair.

"Oh goodness," I said face palming myself.

Tut chuckled.

"Have you all ate breakfast yet?" He asked the boys, they shook their heads and he told them to eat with us.

He walked towards the table in his room, place the food and we followed him.

"So, what are the plans for today?" Kronos asked.

I opened the bedroom door and yelled out Phora.

The cheetah to where ever she was towards me.

"Good morning, I didn't forget about you," I said rubbing her head,

I turned to join the others at the table, with Phora following behind me.

Tut looked at the food, looked at Phora who tilted her head towards the food and start to smell it.

She purred and nudged Tut arm.

"Food is safe, let us eat," Tut said.

We nodded our heads and started eating.

"To answer your question Kronos, your mom should be coming here soon. So we are going to have to make a plan on how to deal with her, she'll be angry about many things, especially with us taking you." I said.

"I am here on my own free will," Kronos said.

"I could have left if I truly wanted to." He said, eating his fruits.

"That is true, but your mother isn't going to see it like that. Hell, I don't even know how she's going to see it." I said, being truthful with my words.

"I'll talk to her, maybe she won't be as angry as you all think she will be," Kronos said.

We all got silent and looked at him.

He looked back at us.

"Okay, Well I'm still going to speak to her." He said.

"That is fine Kronos, she is your mother and she'll listen to you because you are the only one she loves. Never forget that your mother cares for no one but you." Tut said. Kronos nodded his head slowly as if he was letting the words settle in.

"So, what is the plan for today regarding my mother then?" He asked.

Everyone looked at me, I paused midway with a piece of bread in my mouth.

"What? How come you all are waiting for me?" I asked.

"Well, because you are the one who comes up with the plans," Tut said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm hungry, let's talk about this after breakfast," I said and we all continued eating.

But in reality, I was just thinking over what to do in my head.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Do you Dolls think Kronos would get his mother to stop?

Do you think he is even able to?

Comment your answers.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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