CH.25 I'm Here Now

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CH. 25 I'm here now

(Amala POV)

Tut was quiet, he wasn't saying anything and he wasn't really doing anything. One thing I know for sure, traveling back and forth in this time was something that I was going to have to get used to.

I know for a fact, if Tut were to visit my time, as in my Era I supposed that he would be freaking out on everything around him and to be honest, I couldn't blame him.

We're from both different Era's.

I took a glance at Tut, I wondered what was going through his mind this very moment.

Was he nervous about the plan? No, he shouldn't be, if he was nervous about the plan then he wouldn't go through it with me now would he?

So it can't be the plan that has him silent like this.

Is something bothering him?

I wanted to ask, I even look towards Leo and Ramo to see if they knew why Tut was the way he was but I found both brothers sleeping.

I smile at how adorable they looked sleeping, so peaceful.

I let out a sigh if I wanted to know what was bothering Tut I was going to have to ask him myself. I was going to have to seek out the answers myself.

"What's bothering you?" I asked him, he turned to look at me, his eyes widen a little bit but his face expression returned to how it was before.

"What do you mean?" He asked me and I refrained myself from having to roll my eyes.

There's no way he's serious right.

"I know something is bothering you, are you going to share it with me or are you going to act like you have no idea what I am talking about?" I asked him and he avoided my eyes.

I raised a brow, was what was bothering him something serious and private.

Maybe I shouldn't have had pry, maybe I should have left him alone with his thoughts.

Not everyone likes being questioned while they have something bothering them or when they're alone with their thoughts.

Some like to be left alone or like to think alone.

"I just don't' want to scare you away with what I'm thinking that's all," He said in a low voice.

I moved closer to him, curious about what he meant by what he said.

"Scare me away, your thoughts are scary thoughts or something?" I asked him, wondering what he meant.

I honestly don't see anything that could scare me away right now.

I mean, look where I'm at.

I'm not even in my Era, have no idea how I am going to get home or not, pretty sure I missed like three test already, heck I don't even know how the time range works here from my time. It might be weeks or months pass where I live and I'm here not knowing what today day even is.

So I way passed the scary things right now, well not quite sense I feel like this is going to be a whole rocky journey and all.

He let out a sigh.

"I just like having you around that's all." He said and my eyes widen.

"Really is that so?" I asked him and he still avoided my eyes as he nodded his head.

"Yes, it is so. I wouldn't lie about something serious like that Mala." He said and I almost let out a laugh about how serious he looked saying that.

Sent To The Past (Interracial Romance)Where stories live. Discover now