CH. 26 So she likes me right

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CH. 26 So she likes me right

(Tut Pov)

The feelings that had simply surface when Mala said what she said had me feeling like a small child that was given something that they were looking forward too.

I was filled with good emotions but that didn't mean I still didn't feel a little bad.

For asking her to stay, for telling her I wanted to stay and for actually letting it be known that I do have certain feelings for her.

I didn't want to guilt trip her on staying here, so that's why I wanted to discuss this even more with her to see if it was certainly something that she would be okay with.

I wanted her to be fine with being with me, it wouldn't make me happy if she, later on, regretted it if she did decide to stay.

It would have made me feel unhappy knowing if I didn't tell her how I felt then, she wouldn't be feeling regret, I don't want that in the future for either of us.

So I was planning on talking about it again with, just to make sure she knew what she was claiming to say and do.

We were taking a rest for the night because of the chariot needing a break and everyone else.

The boys Ramo and Leo needed rest also, I watch as the brothers made their ways into their tents, telling us good nights.

I was to share a tent with Mala and the servants who handled the chariot are to share a tent.

I share my chambers with Mala, so I shouldn't be nervous but of course, I am. Why because now we are aware of each other feelings.

Mala was already in the tent, I was walking back and forth in front of the tent debating on what to do.

I, a King was nervous about going into a tent with someone I like, especially since I have slept on the same bed with her before.

"Are you coming in?" I turned around, to find Mala standing in front of the Tent with her brow raised.

"Yes, I was just doing some thinking," I said trying to not let out that I was just nervous about going into the tent.

"Is that so? What were you thinking about?" She asked me and I could tell from the look on her face that she wasn't buying the I was just thinking statement I made.

"Tut, let's just go to sleep. I promise I won't make a move on you." She said which caused me to chuckle.

I would be fine with her making a move on me but I didn't say that. I just said okay and followed her inside the tent.

"Were you unable to sleep without me?" I asked her teasing her as she lay on the blanket on the floor.

She stared at me with a serious expression, my eyes widened.

"Were you?" I asked her in a low voice. wanting to know her answer.

"I mean, I've been sharing the same bed with you ever since I ended up here. It would feel weird to go to bed without you next to me." She said and I swear to the whole world.

My heart fluttered.

I moved towards the blanks on them and sat down next to her.

"That was lovely," I said meaning the words I said.

she let out a small laugh.

"I noticed you're nervous." She said and I laughed.

"What gave it away?" I asked her and she smiled.

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