CH. 70 This is horrible

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CH. 70 This is horrible

(Amala POV)

My eyes were still in a daze, but I could tell that I was unconscious for a while. I forced my eyes open and realized that I was lying on the floor.

Not the floor in Tuts place, no this floor was different.

Alarm ran through my body, and I quickly sat up.

My head felt dizzy, and I work on trying to hold myself up.

"I wouldn't move that much around yet, since you just woke up." A voice said.

I turned my head around, and there was another girl in the room; she was across from me.

"Where-" I started to say, but she cut me off.

"Where are you? A place no one wants to be and a place you'll want to leave no matter what." The girl said she was probably a couple of years older than me.

"How long have you been here?" I asked her.

"For longer than I should be." She said.

I look around me, trying to see if there was anything that could give me an idea of how to get out.

"You'll be wasting your time figuring out a way to get out." She said.

I shook my head and forced myself to sit up.

"Hey, don't do that. You'll lose your strength." She said as she made her way towards me.

"You're still weak." She said to me, as I ignored her.

"I'm never weak," I said.

"That bastard thinks he's going to get away with this," I said, through clench teeth.

"That's because he has if you're here. He has gotten away with it." She said, I turned to look at her, and there was a sad look on her face.

"Wait, a second, I think I know who you are," I said to her.

"Titum, Titum is still waiting for you. So I'm going to need you to get some hope and help me figure out a way out of here." I said.

I watch her eyes widened.

I had her attention for sure, and I knew she was going to ask me many questions from here on then.

"Titum, he still loves me?" She asked me.

I raised a brow.

"Why wouldn't he?" I asked her, it was confirmed. This was the woman that the bastard abducted.

This was the woman, Tut cousin Titum love.

"Why? Because of what the King has done to me. He has used me." She said, her tone of voice was sad and sounded as if she's been in pain for a long time.

"None of that was your fault or in your control; what that monster did to you was cruel, evil, and disgusting. He'll never touch you again. Titum still loves you, and he's still holding on hope that he'll be with you again. Now what you need to do is help me make that happen." I said.

I walked around the room to look for anything that can help.

"We are not alone." She said.

"Excuse me?" I turned around to face, confused about what she said.

From the looks of it, it was just her and me in the room unless someone hasn't made themselves seen by me.

"There are others, some in the other room next to ours." She said.

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