CH. 16 Things have come to a change

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CH. 16 Things have come to a change


It seems like things have honestly come to this, here I was standing in front of my people.

Going to go forward with Mala's plan, I actually took the time to listen to someone's input on a matter. Took the time to actually consider something, that I didn't think of myself and move forward with what someone else came up with. This would not have been me before I came in contact with Mala. I would not have moved forward with anyone's plan. I honestly would have been outraged and left feeling like how could they know what was best for me when they weren't me. That's just how I thought, I admit it but I wasn't cruel. I always had considered other people, I always had considered my people.

So the reason why my mind has changed is that I begin to see from another perspective.

If I always had done things before without considering how my people would feel, without considering what was best for them and not only me.

That would not have been right which leaves me thinking, have I actually considered others as I thought to have.

Have I considered their thought on a certain subject? I could already tell that Mala was having a huge impact on me and I know for sure I would most likely take her advice again or input into a high consideration.

I now not only have to worry about my mother by law, evil plans now I had someone else who was looking to get rid of me.

I wasn't even the number one King, if they were looking to get rid of me like this I could imagine what my brothers were going through.

My mind flashes thinking of my Father.

He was the number one King.

The Queen would have taken us out one by one, but she wasn't going to do it in order. If she did it in the order of our ranking it would not look good for her at all and would have look set up.

Which has me thinking that she was going to come up with another plan on getting Mala.

I had a feeling about what she was going to do.

I push the thoughts away from my mind for now.

I remembered that I had something else I had to take care of right now.

I turned around so I could stare at her, so I could stare at Mala and I found her face forming an odd expression.

As if she couldn't believe her eyes, what did she think I meant when I said we would tell the people by gathering them.

Did she not know how it went? Did she not know when a King calls for all his people to gather and hear him. Everyone gathers to hear him? I stared at her as her eyes widen, I was actually amused by her expressions.

If she thought this was impressive she hasn't seen anything yet.

Her eyes found mine, I stared at her for a moment and then turned my head towards the people that were staring at us.

My people, although I don't know what's in their hearts they were still my people.

Yes some of them most likely secretly hated me, yes some of them probably looked up to me and some of them probably don't even like me at all, just going on with their daily life and proving for their families.... Right after they provided for me.

I knew that I couldn't yell, so I was given something to make my voice be able to reach the people.

"My people, I come to you barring a tragic conflict that had taken place before I called your attention here. It seems like a serpent was placed in my room a poisonous one at that." I said which had the people gasping and speaking in hush tones wondering who could do such a thing.

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