Ch 9 This was Unexpected

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Ch. 9 This was unexpected.

(Tut Pov)

I wanted to let out a chuckle, my mother by law was staring harshly at Mala.

Mala, on the other hand, seem unphased by it, I could tell it didn't bother her and for a split second, I imagine Mala as Queen.

I move those thoughts away from my mind and focus on what was happening right now.

"I have heard that you have a new concubine." The Queen said. I raised a brow.

This was unexpected

"So you came to this side of Egypt to see if it was true? You never did that for other rumors about me having some before, although those weren't true. There's a rumor that I have 60 Woman as a concubine to sleep with, you've never come here for that." I said and I watch as anger flash through her eyes.

"You dare Question the Queen, your mother to why I have come to see you?" She asked and I analyze her, I notice my little brother by her was behind her staring up at me with a sad look on his face.

I never understood how an Evil woman like her could have a sweet child like him. He was quite the opposite from his mother.

"Mother by Law and I know you're Queen. My father is the reason you're Queen. Don't forget that. I am just saying, be like others who wish to see. Wait for an answer if I want to see you back, although you're Queen you weren't born in this Royal family so don't forget your place." I said and I heard Mala say in a small tone next to me "Burn."

"Your Father will not be pleased when he found out that I was greeted like this by your Concubine and you.

Mala eyed the woman, she look like wanted to speak but it wasn't the right moment for her to speak yet.

I'm pretty sure my face expression gave away that I wanted to laugh.

"Really? I wasn't aware she insulted you, a matter of fact I remember her saying "Hello mother in law" Hmm I must be going mad, but if I am then all the people in the room are going mad with me. Since they were all present when she said that." Tut said and the Queen Eyed me.

"Speak," she said to Mala

Mala (POV)

The hell? what was I a dog?

I assume she must have been surprised that I spoke their language. I wonder if she knew Tut had a doing in that.

"I'm only speaking because I wish to speak, I don't answer or speak in that manner." Everyone in the room gasp.

I just stood up to a Queen, someone who actually could kill me any minute now.

Everyone was waiting for my death, to be honest, I was waiting for it too. Waiting for my head to be cut off.

She stared at me.

"Where do you come from? surely you lack the tone of speaking to authority." She said and I actually didn't think that through before. Damn it she called me out.

Then a bright idea came to my mind.

I'm so going to mess with this lady's head.

"I am the recreation of the Ishtar Goddess,"I said and everyone in the room Gasp.

King Tut even looked at me like I have lost my mind.

Honestly, I just told them That I was a Hittite Anatolia Goddess that was in Eygpt.

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