CH. 68 The Next Day

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CH. 68 The Next Day

(Amala POV)

It was the next day, already.

Tut had woken me up from bed, I was ready, yet I had no idea how the day would become or what would take place.

I was ready because this was something that needed to be done, and this was something that was going to happen.

This bastard was finally going to get the payback that he deserved.

I would make sure of that.

Tut and I were in the hallway, making our way to his meeting room. He was going to talk to the men who were part of his team.

"Mala, you want to come in with me?" Tut asked me.

He was standing in front of the door to the meeting chambers.

"No, it's fine," I said to him.

Tut grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"You mean so much to me; you know that, right?" He asked me, and I nodded my head while I was in his arms.

"You mean a lot to me as well," I said to him, it was true. Tut meant so much to me already.

I know he cares for me, and I know I mean a lot to him.

"There's Leo and Ramo, stay with them, okay?" Tut said, I pulled away and saw that Leo and Ramo were making their way towards us.

"Of course," I said to him, and he nodded his head.

"What time do you think he'll be here?" I asked him.

"Not sure about the time, but I think he'll be here in the evening," Tut said, and I nodded my head.

"Go to your meeting, if anything happens. I'll protect myself." I said, and he raised a brow to that.

"Oh, I know you will. " Tut said, he places a kiss on my forehead, which I gladly accepted.

Tut went into the meeting chamber, and I turned to the boys.

"Alright, let's carry on with our day, shall we?" I said to them as we continued to walk down the hallway.

"So, what are you planning on doing today?" Leo asked me.

"I was thinking of doing some training," I said to them.

"It would be best if you did do some training," Ramo said, and I agreed to that.

I needed to get as much training as I can take.

"Do you like your trainer?" Ramo asked me.

"I do. He's quite good at his work, and I find myself learning a lot from him. Boys, you know you two don't have to let me walk ahead. I'm fine with you both walking next to me." I said, turning around.

"Ramo! Leo!" I yelled as I saw them on the floor.

Someone was standing in front of them.

"Don't you dare touch them!" I yelled.

"Get away from them!" I yelled.

"I'm not here for them; I'm here for you. It seems like my master wants you." The person said it was a man underneath the mask.


We thought the bastard would come later on today, not now.

I didn't like how he was standing in the middle of Ramo and Leo's bodies that were on the floor.

I tried to see if I saw any movement from them to let me know that they were alive, but I saw none.

They have to be alive.

I looked up when I heard the person approaching me.

"Well, look at you. Worried about peasants instead of your own life." He said, taking out something that had a form of liquid dripping from it.

"It's sporadic to see that." The person continued to walk towards me.

"Stay the fuck away from me," I yelled.

The reason I didn't run away is that Leo and Ramo's body was on the floor. I wasn't going to leave them behind, and I didn't know what this freak was going to do with them.

"Can't do that." He said, charging at me. I threw a kick that landed on his stomach and threw him back.

"Oh, feisty. That won't last long." He said as he charged at me again.

I moved from him; he probably didn't see the sword I had that was my belt around my waist. I took it out, and slice cut his arm.

He stopped.

He stared at me, and I saw the anger on his face.

"I was nice to you." He said, staring at me.

Nice? He claims he was nice.

I moved my way to where Ramo and Leo were lying.

"Ramo. Leo?" I said as I stood in front of them.

I kicked their legs to see if they would budge.

"Guys, wake up," I said to them as I kick their leg again.

"This is unbelievable. Are you worried about the peasants on the floor more than yourself? You're a rare one. Well, games over." He said.

I watch him take out a cloth bag and grab dust in it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You made me angry." He said, blowing the dust in the air.

"Time for you to go to sleep." He said, and I turned around.

I got on the floor, trying to shake the boys and trying to get them to wake up.

I felt the energy leave me.

Where the hell were the maids? The servants that work this hall. What is going on? How come no one hears this?

"Boys, boys wake up, please. Please," I said as I felt myself giving myself away to the darkness.

I fell on them and wrapped my arms around them with my last strength.

"Wow, she cares for peasants more than her own life? What a strange woman." Was the last thing I heard as I saw complete darkness.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

The next chapter gets interesting.

Amala got taken, do you Dolls think the boys. Ramo and Leo are dead? Let me know in the comments!

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-Kassandra Vivu

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