chapter 83

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I rolled over, squinting as I opened my eyes. The light from the window feeling almost blinding. I pushed my face into the pillow and let out a yawn. I reached behind me and went to touch Demi but my hand hit the bed instead. 

I rolled over and was just met with the sheets instead. I pouted and stretched a little, letting my body wake up. 

I pushed the covers off of me and swung my feet off the bed, I went to stand up but was met right away with a little pain.

I groaned and laid back down, already hating what was to come next. 

The door to the bedroom opened and Demi walked in, she smiled when she saw me half in bed.

"Morning baby girl.", I pouted and held out my arms, just wanting to be held. She scrunched up her face and walked over, sitting next to where I was laying.

"What's wrong? You look upset.", I nodded and just simply pointed to between my legs.

Demi stared for a moment before letting out an "ohhh". She gave a tiny pout and stood up, walking out to the bathroom. 

I sighed and brought my legs back onto the bed.

Demi poked her head back in the room and gave a small smile.

"I'm just getting you some pads and I'll grab the Aleve as well and leave them in here for you.", I nodded and gave a tiny thumbs up. She chuckled and walked away, rummaging around the cabinets in the bathroom.

I slowly sat up, standing up slowly as well. I shuffled to the bathroom and pouted, Demi placed everything on the counter and gave a tiny pout back. She walked over and gently grabbed my face, kissing the top of my head. I smiled and chuckled a little.

"I'll let you do your business and I'll quickly grab some clothes for you to wear today.", I nodded and waited till she left to go tot eh bathroom.

I sat down and let out a groan, already hating the week ahead. I looked up when Demi opened the door a little, handing me some loose clothes.

"I'll be in the kitchen when you're done, alright?", I nodded and took the clothes from her hand. She closed the door and walked away.

I sighed and quickly put the clothes on, putting the pad on and then taking the Aleve. 

I stood up and tossed the cup in the trash, I flushed and washed my hands and walked out, walking into the kitchen. Demi smiled when she saw me.

I sat down in the chair in front of the counter, crossing my arms and leaning back.

Demi walked over and wrapped her arms around me, holding me close to her body.

"I know baby, its not fun. But hey, think of it this way, at least you aren't pregnant.", I slowly turned my head and looked up at her, a huge smile on her face.

"Demi.", she chuckled and smiled at me, kissing my cheek, "yes baby?".

"You are something else sometimes.", she laughed, pulling me into her arms.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around hers, leaning back into her.

"Well I was hoping today you and I and the girls could go out and do some shopping, but maybe today isn-", I reached up and gave her a kiss, pulling back and smiling.

"I wanna go out, It gives me something to do and it makes it so I forget about any pain I'm in. Also, I wanna ask about something.", I turned my head a little and saw her looked at me quizzically.

"What's up?", I sighed and felt my face go red.

" I think its obvious...very obvious that I'm more comfy in big baggy clothes and all that shit.", I looked up at her and saw her waiting for me to continue.

"And It just kind of popped into my head, but I was thinking if we go anywhere wear clothing is sold...I want to kind of like...look at some skirts.", I bit my lip, hoping she wouldn't think its a big deal.

I looked up and saw her smiling wide. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me out of the chair, quickly picking me up and holding me.

"I am so okay with that. Thank you for telling me, I promise by the way to let you pick them out.", I smiled and wrapped my arms around her shoulder, pushing my face into her neck.

"Actually I kind of wanted you to pick them out...I'll just look at the sizes so I can find some that I won't get nervous in.", I moved back a little and saw her nod.

She pulled me close and kissed my cheek, quickly moving and kissing my lips.

I pulled back and smiled as she I watched her face light up.

Demi stared at me for a moment before chuckling.

"I promise I'll help you find the cutest skirts I can. Anything for my baby.", I giggled and pushed against her, hiding my face in her neck.

She placed me back in the chair and smiled.

"Ok, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, and then I'm gonna get a little bag to put stuff in for you and then I'll text Lauren and we'll be on our way. Alright?", I nodded and crossed my legs, leaning back in the chair and fiddling with my sleeves.

Demi smiled and reached over, grabbing my backpack.

"You can play on your laptop for a little. I'll tell you when you need to save your game or something.", I nodded and opened my laptop, quickly opening Minecraft and going to play.

Demi walked away and went to the bathroom, shutting the door and leaving me.

I focused on the game, trying my best to ignore the cramps. I went into a server on Minecraft and fooled around, trying to just kill time till Demi came back.

The door to the bathroom opened and Demi walked out, she walked into the bedroom and grabbed a small backpack, walking back out and back into the bathroom.

She came out a second later with the backpack and smiled at me.

"Alright, let me grab a couple more thinks and I'll text Lauren.", I nodded and continued with my game, running around and hiding from people. Demi grabbed the water bottle from the fridge and put it in the bag, she grabbed her purse and phone and quickly sent a text to Lauren. 

She waited a minute before turning her phone off.

"Okay, can you log off? Lauren and Kehlani are gonna be outside waiting for us.", I nodded and quickly logged off, shutting my laptop and putting it back in my bag.

I stood up, walking over to her and gently grabbing her sleeve, she smiled put paused at the door like she was waiting something.

"Ya know, some socks and shoes might do you some good.

I looked down at my feet and let out a quiet laugh. I Quickly ran and pulled on some socks on and a pair of shoes.

I walked back over to her and smiled. 

"Ok, now I'm ready."

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