chapter 16

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Demi's face stayed unmoved, no emotion at all.

"You are not allowed to call me Demi, nor are you allowed to text me or call me." she stood up and walked over to her laptop.

Turning to me, she glared and just stared.

"Go back to your dorm. Now." my lip trembled but I nodded at her demand. I slowly got up and stumbled backwards.

Everything went black for a second and I felt like I was standing on pins and needles but it stopped and my vision returned.

I walked past Demi, my body shaking as I did.

I was no longer her sub.

She hated me.

I fucked up.

My legs started to shake and I knew I was going to collapse soon. I took a deep breath and speed walked out the class room and made a straight B-line for my dorm.

I didn't hear Demi speed up or yell after me.


All I could hear was the whispers of other students as I walked past them on campus. Some pointed, others stared, a few laughed.

I walked by Lauren, Kehlani, Dinah and Troye. Kehlani went to say Hi, a smile on her face. But as I pushed past her I could feel her smile diminish.

I ran to my dorm, throwing open the doors of the building and tripping once inside.

I whimpered as I stood back up, picking at the skin around my nails as I hurried upstairs. I walked up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

Once at my floor I sprinted down the hallway the best I could.

I fumbled for my keys and struggled to put my key in. I eventually got my key in ad shakily opened my door. I walked in and slowly closed the door. Locking it the second it was closed.

I placed my keys and stuff on the table.

And then I just stood there.

I stared at the floor, no noise or movement coming from me.

My chest was aching and I felt nauseous.

Suddenly my nausea turned into an actual problem. I ran to the bathroom and made it in time. I hunched over and threw up into the toilet.

I whimpered as I fell for what felt like the millionth time today.

The tiles of the bathroom were cool against my skin, my legs I should say. My face was still burning, the feeling of the slaps still stung.

I wiped my mouth and quickly grabbed a wash cloth from under the sink. I wet it and held it on my face.

I leaned back and rested my head on the wall, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself the best I could.

The cold water from the cloth made me shiver a little.

I stayed like that for a while, taking deep breaths and calming myself so I could get up and go to bed.

Once I felt I was calm enough I sat up, wiping my face from the tears and pain.

I closed the lid of the toilet and flushed it, standing up I threw the wash cloth in the hamper and closed the bathroom door.

I went and shut my blinds and turned the light all the way off. I striped myself of my clothes and flopped on the bed, curling under the sheets and stuffing the pillows and blankets around my body for warmth and comfort.

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