chapter 71

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"What color do you wanna do?", I shrugged and grabbed my phone. Opening Pinterest right away.

"I've always wanted something light if that makes sense. Like light pink, blue, green.", Demi pulled me back against her body and rested her chin on my shoulder.

She clicked on a picture and then took my phone. She held it against my head and looked between be and the photo.

"I think this is it.", I laughed and took my phone back.

"Just cause it seems nice in a picture doesn't mean it'll look good on me. Plus, I don't wanna have to go and get it done by a professional, doing it by myself is an option.", Demi's eyes widened, shock written on her face.

"What'd you mean by yourself, I'm not letting you touch all those chemicals, you'd end up getting it in your face. I'll do it for you.", I giggled and leaned forward, pressing my lips to hers.

She smiled against mine and grabbed my hips.

I pulled back and wiggled in place.

"I'm a big girl, I can dye my hair by myself.", Demi gave me a skeptical look and then smiled, shaking her head and ruffling my hair.

"Big girl my ass, I'm gonna do it for you, no if or buts about it.", I sighed and shook my head, looking back at my phone and going through some more pictures.

I glanced towards the top of the screen and read the time, 9:30AM.

I went to lift my head but felt Demi place a hand in my hair, twirling a small portion of it around.

I slowly moved my head up so she would move her hand. When she did I pushed myself closer to her, leaning against her arm.

"Are you gonna have to out my hair into sections?", She nodded and leaned to the side. She opened a desk drawer and pulled out some small hair clips and hair ties.

"Let me try now so I can get a sense of how to do it.", I nodded and grabbed one of the small clips. Demi was fumbling to take the hair ties from the package.

I took the clip and gently clipped it into her hair, she stopped and looked at me. A small smile spread across her face, a light blush creeping onto her face as well.

She felt around for the clip but was missing it, I took her hand and placed it on the clip, she chuckled and lightly shook her head.

I grabbed the package of hair ties from her and ripped it, pulling a couple off and handing them to her.

She shook her head and tilted my head, grabbing a small section of my hair and tying it in a tiny ponytail.

She made me looked back up, snickering as I looked at her.

I pouted and crossed my arms, not liking her laughing.

She tilted my head back down a made a couple more small ponytail. She grabbed one of the small clips and clipped the sections together.

"Okay, that's how I'm gonna have to do it.", I felt the top of my head with my hand, feeling the small spikes of hair and the clip.

"Ya know, the other option is just to put some dye on your hand and rub it into my hair. It would probably work.", She shrugged and reached up, grabbing the clip and taking the ties out.

"Ow!", She chuckled and took them out slower, my hair still getting stuck in them.

Once she got them all out she put them back into their packaging. I took the clip out of her hair and tossed it in with the others.

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