chapter 82

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"you want snuggles?", I nodded and turned myself around, the strap still inside me.

Demi chuckled as I pushed my hips towards hers.

"Still want more?", I nodded and pushed myself closer to her, wrapping my leg around hers and holding her against me.

She smirked and pushed me off, quickly laying on her back and smiling.

"Get on, ride me." I quickly sat up and got on top of her, slowly lowering myself into her.

I let out a moan, pushing my hips down into hers. She chuckled and sat up, holding me close to her body.

I let out a whimper and leaned back a little, resting my hands behind my body.

Demi chuckled, running her hand down my body. 

"Can I do something?", Demi smiled and nodded. I quickly got off of her and kneeled on the bed. "Can you like stand up next to the bed?". She looked at me quizzically but then nodded.

She next to the bed but just a little too far away.

"Wait," I gently grabbed her arm and pulled her a little bit closer to the bed, smiling up at her as she watched me.

"Ok, now do me a favor, close your eyes for a minute.", Demi looked at me, tilting her head a little. 

"Why do I need to close my eyes?", I giggled and felt my face flush.

"You'll see, I promise its not bad. I just want to do something, kinda like...surprise you I guess." She smirked a little and nodded, closing her eyes.

I smiled and quickly turned myself around, balancing on knees. I gently pushed myself back until I felt the strap on touch me. I bit my lip and held back a moan.

I pushed my face into the bed for a moment, trying to let the butterflies subside.

"Ok, you can open your eyes.", Demi was quiet for a moment, she gently touched my hips and let out a chuckle.

She leaned over my back and kissed my cheek, "What this all about? Hmm? Having your little ass against me, all exposed?", my face went red and I held back a giggle.

"I...I don't know, I kinda sorta wanted to like...feel you while I'm like this.", Demi chuckled and kissed my cheek again.

She stood back straight and ran her hands over my hips, gently raking her nails along my hips and ass.

I let out a whimper as she teased me, running her hands along my skin, trying to get me all bothered. 

I laid my head against the bed and turned it, just barely able to see what she was doing. I opened my mouth, about to beg just a little, but I quickly gasped as she lined up and pushed in.

She let out a low chuckle as I held my breath, my face getting hot. She leaned back over me again and kissed my neck.

"You want me to fuck you like this?" I nodded and reached back, grabbing her hand and placing it on my shoulder.

"P-please be careful.", Demi let out a hum and kissed my neck again. 

"I know baby, your little ass is off limits.", I blushed and nodded, letting out a moan as she pulled her hips back.

She stood back up, keeping her hand on my shoulder. She slowly pushed back in, letting the strap sink as far as it could.

I let out a broken moan as she grabbed my hip with her other hand, digging her nails into my skin. I gently pushed back against her, biting my lip as I did.

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