chapter 28

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Demi took out her phone and quickly typed something into it. I ignored it and waited for her to be done.

I simply moved back and forth on my heels, I turned a little and saw the two guys walking out from the side of the building.

They still seemed paranoid and seemed scared shitless when they saw Demi.

I held back my laughter and watched as they tried to act casual.

Demi looked up from her phone and pulled me in her direction. When I looked at her face she didn't seem too amused.

"Lets go baby." I nodded and grabbed her hand and held it. We walked to her car, she unlocked it and we got in.

Once in, Demi turned to me. "Where do you want to go to get your supplies?" I thought for  moment, I haven't had to shop for my education in a while.

"How about the dollar store? Cheap shit but there a lot of good stuff." Demi rolled her eyes and looked at me.

"How about Wal-mart? Their stuff is better." I pout and slumped in the seat.

I look over and see Demi glare, she motions for me to sit correctly and to behave.

She didn't start to car, instead we sat for a few seconds, not words or anything.

" it going to be dollar store or Wal-mart?" I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Dollar store..." I heard Demi let out a huge sigh, she started the car and used one hand to steer.

Her other hand wandered over to my leg. I watched as she slowly moved her hand along, her eyes glued on the road ahead of her.

I moved my hand and rested it on hers, I saw her give a quick glance but she went back to looking at the road.

"Do me a favor." I looked over and waited for instructions.

"Move your shorts and underwear and sit on the seat bare." my eyes went wide and I felt my face go red.

I looked down and got a bit scared.

"Do I have to?" I spoke in a small whisper, not really sure if I was gonna go through with it.

Right as Demi went to speak we hit a red light. She looked over at me and nodded. She reached for the glove compartment and pulled out a vibrator.

She handed it to me and smiled.

"What am I gonna do wi-" she cut me off by turning it on and pulling my shorts and underwear down.

The light turned green and she started to drive.

"I'm gonna tell you what you are gonna do with it. You're gonna hold it to your clit and get yourself worked up to the point of being on the edge. You will tell me and you will stop it before you finish." I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

Demi chuckled and pressed the little vibrator against me.

I bit my lip and held in a moan.

Demi placed the vibrator on the seat and grabbed my hand, pulling it and making me pick it up.

"This is the legitimate start to your punishment." I whined but held the vibrator in place.

Demi looked over and then back at the road.

This was gonna be on hell of a car ride.


Demi pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. She looked over at me and saw me sweating and my legs shaking.

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