chapter 36

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"You still gotta go to your next class. I can't excuse you forever.", I whined and just flopped on the ground.

Demi sighed and got up, walking over and crouching over me.

I giggled a little when I realized I could see up her skirt a bit. She scrunched up her face in confusion. She looked down towards where I was looking and blushed a little.

"You're a little perv sometimes aren't you?", I giggled and rolled onto my stomach so she couldn't see my face.

"What am I gonna do with you?", I laughed and rolled back to my back.

I reached both my hands forward and waited for her to grab a hold of my hands.

She did grab my hands and tried to pull me up, only I yanked her down so she was on top of me.

I laughed as she looked at me, shocked that I pulled her down.

"Hi....", Demi sighed and chuckled a little.

"You're so odd, ya know that right?", I stuck out my tongue and helped her sit up.

I stood up and held out my hands, she grabbed my hands and let me pull her up.

Once she was up she brushed the dust and dirt from her skirt, turning a little to make sure she got most of it. Which she did.

I walked backwards and sat in her chair, swiveling back and forth.

Demi turned and smiled, walking over and holding the chair in place.

"You act like a complete child sometimes.", I smiled and nodded, understanding that fully.

" act like...a sexy person....all the time...", Demi stared for a moment, trying to understand what I even said.

A smiled came upon her face, she chuckled and leaned down, scooping me into her arms and out of the seat.

"Come on, you gotta get to class. I don't want you being late.", I grumbled but nodded. Demi put me down and I went and grabbed my stuff.

"Do me a favor by the way, I need you to email me the audio from the incident from early.", I nodded and pulled out my phone.

I quickly wrote the email, hitting send once I was done.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and picked up my binder. I turned around and had Demi standing in my face.

"Jeez, what are you doing?", She didn't answer which was a bit worrying.

Demi moved closer and pulled me up against her, holding my butt in her hands. I whined and hid my face in her chest.

"You gonna be a good girl for your mistress?", I nodded and stayed silent.

Demi gripped my ass in a more firm way, moving it so my butt jiggled a little when she let go. I looked up a little and saw a smirk on her face.

"Sorry, your ass is just so cute and squishable.", I rolled my eyes and stood on my toe, giving her a kiss.

"I gotta get to class!", Demi growled a little but nodded.

She let go of me and spun me around, giving me a light push towards the door. "Go, have fun. Come here after lunch, I'm gonna make your punishment later but it will be fast.", I whined and turned around.

"That's not fair!", Demi raised an eyebrow and gave me a look.

"Don't talk back to me, go. Love you baby.", I huffed and opened the door.

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