chapter 72

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"Girls, let's go.", I looked up and saw Demi standing above me, Lauren looked over and smiled. She put her stuff away and stood up.

I quickly did the same, standing up as well.

No one looked back at us or even acknowledged that Demi was in the back.

Lauren and Demi walked out fast, I had to run a little to catch up.

"Slow the hell down, I'm small.", Both women stopped and waited for me to catch up.

I got between them and leaned my head on Demi's arm.

She chuckled and grabbed my hand, looking forward and walking again.

Lauren pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Kehlani.

As we walked, we were all quiet, just trying to hurry along.

As we got to the center of the campus Lauren tapped Demi's shoulder.

"I'm gonna run up to Kehlani and put my stuff away and get her ready.", Demi nodded and gently squeezed my hand.

"Alright, we're gonna be in my office, just come over and send me a text.", Lauren nodded and went off in the direction of her and Kehlani's dorm.

Demi walked me along and brought me to her office.

She unlocked the door and we walked in, closing and locking it behind her.

I shuffled over to her desk and sat down in her chair.

I put my legs up and laid them on her desk, crossing my ankles.

Demi chuckled when she saw me, she pulled out her phone and for a moment I forgot about the vibrator.

As she fooled around on her phone she smirked, showing me the screen and pressing a button.

I gripped onto the arms of the chair as the feeling became stronger.

I whimpered, reaching forward to get her to come closer.

She chuckled and came over putting her phone on the desk and picking me up.

I held onto her as I gasped, the feeling slowing and then coming back.

"Demi....", She kissed my neck, running her hand down my body and pushing into my pants.

I gasped and pushed my body closer to hers, grinding against her hand.

"How about this comes out?", She quickly slipped the vibe out, pulling it out of my pants and placing it on the desk.

She let go of me and reached down, unzipping my pants and pulling my underwear down.

I whined as she kneeled down and pulled me closer.

I gripped her hair as she pressed her tongue against me.

I moaned, pulling her closer to me.

She pushed her fingers in and went as fast as she could, making me cum with little effort.

She sighed and cleaned me up, standing just as her phone went off.

The screen lit up and Lauren's name appeared.

Demi turned me around, pulling me over her knee. She grabbed the vibe again and pushed it back in.

I moaned and tried to get away, the feeling being to much.

She quickly pushed it in and pulled me closer, pulling my underwear and pants up.

"Let's go, let's not make then wait.", I nodded and waited for her to grab what she needed.

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