chapter 52

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I shot up from bed, scared as shit and confused on why someone was yelling at me.  I groggily looked around and saw the bitch of an instructor that was assigned to my dorm.

"Son of a bit-....ugh."

The instructor snarled at me and rolled her eyes.

"Get up! You're going to Mistress Lovato, I'm sick of your attitude. Plus, you ignored me eight times when I told you to get up for your classes! You are a disrespectful brat." I stared for a moment, not exactly knowing what to say or do.

A part of me wanted to tell her to fuck off but the other half wanted to test her limits.

But I of course went the easier route.

"Fuck offfffffff! Oh my god! You are so fucking annoying!", I got up and grabbed my bag and my phone and walked out of my dorm. The instructor following me, slamming my door as she followed.

"I swear to god...", I mumbled as I walked, getting out of the dorm building and walking across the campus grounds.

All of a sudden I felt a hand wrap around my arm, I looked back and saw the instructor gripping my arm.

"In case you try to run."

I rolled my eyes ad yanked my arm out of her grip. "Fun fact, can't exactly run from here. I wold be found pretty quick." The instructor scoffed and dragged me to Demi's office.

By the time we were in front of her office door I got a text.

As my phone went off the instructor knocked on the office door. I heard Demi sigh and and get up, walking across the floor in her heels.

The door unlocked and Demi opened it. She did not looked pleased.

She glared at the instructor and then did a double take at me. She stood up straight and cleared her throat.

"Hello Ms Davis. Can I ask why you brought Ry along?"

The instructor glared at me and she grabbed the fabric of my shirt.

"I have a HUGE issue with her, I can no longer stand to have her in the dorm building. She is horribly rude to me, does not listen when I tell her something, and has the guts audacity to swear and cuss me out. You need to do something immediately!" Ms. Davis stared at me and the then looked at Demi.

Demi glanced at me and just crossed her arms.

She sighed and reached forward, pulling my into her office. "I'll take care of it now, you wont have any problems with her from now on. You can go to your off-"

Ms. Davis huffed and practically shook with anger.

"NO! I demand you punish her now, in front of me so I know you punished her correctly!", my eyes shot to Demi, watching as she tried to compose herself.

"Ms. Davis I'm not about to punish Ry in front of you. Like I said, I will pnish her accordingly to what she has don-", Ms. Davis held up her hand, clenching her jaw and shaking her head.

"NO! Mistress Lovato I DEMAND you punish her now, otherwise I will do it myself and it will be ten times worse!", I stood next to Demi and fumbled with my shirt, not knowing exactly what to do.

Demi growled and gently pushed me behind her body, she stood straight and looked ready to fight Ms. Davis.

"Ms. Davis, I think you should reconsider your attitude and tone towards me. I think you need to be reminded of who owns this damn academy. ME! Not you! Now if you want to keep your motherfucking job, I'd suggest you go to your fucking office and shut your fucking mouth! LEAVE!" With that Demi stepped back and slammed her office door shut.

The plant that was by the wall shook and bumped against the wall.

Demi was seething as she turned around.

Her hands were fists by her sides and her teeth were pressed together. I moved backwards and just stood against the wall, scared to piss her off even more.

She closed her eyes and walked over to her chair, sitting down and taking a moment to collect herself.

As she sat I realized her office was cleaned up, it wasn't trashed like the day prior. There was even some new stuff in the room as well. All her books were still there and everything else seemed in order.

I looked over at Demi and saw her rubbing her face.

She looked up and looked at me, her anger fading a little as she motioned for me to go over to her. I walked over and put my phone and bag next to her desk.

I stood next to her chair, a bit scared that I was in deep shit.

She turned her chair and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me close. I quickly gt the hint and sat in her lap, letting her hold me and calm down.

I leaned my head on her shoulder and lazily wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

She sighed and rested her chin on her shoulder.

"I swear everyone is out to get you. Never have I had this problem before.", I scrunched up my face.

"What do you mean?", Demi ran her fingers through my hair and pulled me closer.

"I've told you, I end up taking people under my wing sometimes. I have dated people on occasion that are enrolled here. In the years that I've had this academy, not once has there been a huge issue with the person I take and help. Never. I just- I just don't understand." I nodded and shifted a little in Demi's lap.

Demi held onto me and we both just sat.

As we sat I let my mind wander, though I shouldn't.

Maybe I was the problem. She said that there was never a problem before me. Though I never did anything fully 'wrong', I still probably did stuff categorized as wrong.

I do swear a lot, and ignore people, and argue, I can't keep my mouth shut. If I was the problem I wasn't really surprised.

I looked at Demi and just watched for a moment.

She looked so stressed. A bit sad, but mostly stressed.

I bit my tongue and regretted letting my mind wander.

I was the reason she was stressed. I was most likely the reason her office had been trashed. I'm the one causing the problem.

I am her problem.

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