chapter 4

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I walked across the big campus to the building that was on my paper.

The front of the building had a small engraving of three little swirly things. It was the BDSM sign.

I looked at it as I walked, careful not to walk into someone.

Everyone was hustling to their classes and trying to get around as fast as possible. I on the other hand wanted to get to class and just shut out the world.

Probably would get in trouble with Mistress Lovato though.

I walked into the building that would be holding the freshman of the academy.

There were only the eighteen from the day earlier only this time EVERYONE was talking to each other.

I walked down and took a seat in the far corner, away from all the noise.

No one seemed to notice or at least act like they noticed.

The instructor in the front of the room held up his hand for everyone to quiet down, it took a second but slowly the room became silent.

He started to take attendance which I guess was sorta because of me.

"Ry?" I held up my hand and looked up every few seconds. He looked around and seemed oblivious to me with my hand up.

He mumbled something under his breath as he used the rooms phone to call someone.

I didn't think anything of it until I got a text.

Mistress Lovato. And she was mad.

'Ry I want to know where you are right this second. Your instructor says you are not present, he assumes you're skipping or late. Get to class or else.' I slouched down making it harder to find me in the room.

I texted her back to tell her that I was in the back corner by myself. I said I wasn't going to move to the front because I didn't want to be around people.

I didn't get response back which was either a good thing or a horribly bad thing.

The instructor went on and taught his lesson, not even caring if anyone was listening.

I wrote down what he was writing, hoping there wasn't going to be any possible quizzes or tests.

The whole class turned when the doors opened. Mistress Lovato walked in and smiled to everyone.

She motioned for everyone to resume what they were doing.

I scribbled on the side of my notebook and tried to stay focused. Mistress Lovato walked over and smiled at me, sitting in the seat next to me.

She turned slightly and looked at my notebook, chuckling at the tiny drawings of teddy bears and cars.

"Besides being ignored and assumed absent, how has the class been so far?" I shrugged, not really knowing the answer.

"Could of been better but hey, I got what I got." she nodded and listened to the instructor.

He was only going over the syllabus which was kinda boring, that was until he got to a specific part.

It was about a 'lab'. Basically if you were there with a partner, like a legit boyfriend or girlfriend, you could go through and try different techniques.

I looked at Mistress Lovato, questioning if this was legit.

She turned her head and contained a laugh, she leaned over and spoke.

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