chapter 68

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"Ya know, we never did that little play date thingy with Kehlani and Lauren.", Demi looked up and made a surprised face.

"Shit you're right.", I chuckled and just let my eyes wander the room.

A sudden chill came over me and I got goose bumps.

"I'm cold.", Demi pulled me closer and pulled the covers over our bodies. She reached under me and pulled the edge of the covers under my body.

I giggled and laid my head on her chest, wrapping my arm around her.

"What are you and Lauren even gonna talk about during the playdate thing?", She shrugged and kissed my face.

"I don't know, but I'll bet we'll find something to talk about."

I nodded and laid my head so I was looking up at her.

We both stared at each other for a moment, neither of us spoke or did anything. We just stared.

I could feel myself getting all embareassed as we stared at each other.

I whimpered and grabbed her hand, pulling it over my face.

She chuckled and pulled her hand away, turning so she was laying on her side. She pulled me closer and started to press kisses along my face.

"Demiiii....", I moaned and held onto her. She chuckled and got up, kneeling on all fours above me. She leaned down and continued to kiss my face and neck.

I rolled onto my back and wrapped my legs around her waist. She chuckled and pulled them tighter around herself.

"Can you be a good girl for me?", I nodded quickly and wriggled around a bit.

She sat back and pulled me forward, laying my legs over her thighs.

I whined and gripped the covers, wondering what she was about to do.

She looked up at me and smirked, pulling me as close as she could get me, she leaned back down and made me wrap my legs tight around her waist.

I tightened my legs and reached up, pulling her down so I could kiss her.

She chuckled as leaned down, looking between us and smiling. She shifted a little and then kissed me.

I was confused and wanted to ask but she started to grind against me, I figured out quick what she was doing.

I gasped and held onto her, she took the opportunity to move her hand down and push her hand between us.

Demi groaned and leaned back, reaching over and grabbing something from the drawer next to the bed.

"What are you getting?", She chuckled and hid the thing behind her back, placing her hand over my eyes. She moved her hand back and smiled as she pushed against me. I felt something hit my leg and I looked down.

A dildo.

Except it had two ends to it.


I blushed and whined, pulling her down so she was on top of me. Demi chuckled and looked down, lining up with me and pushing the dildo in, she also slid it into herself as well. She moaned, her eyes closing and body shaking slightly.

I whimpered and rutted against her, trying to get some sort of movement for the toy.

I closed my eyes and pulled the pillow over my face, the feeling was so much even though it was so little.

Demi pulled the pillow from my face and pressed kisses along my jaw and neck. She smirked and looked me in the eye as she held herself up.

"Relax baby, this is gonna be fun for both of us."


"Hey, come back here, don't wiggle away.", Demi pulled me back and wrapped both arms around my waist, she smiled and pressed her lips along my face, kissing every inch.

I giggled and tried to pull away but she was holding me close.

"Stopppppp!!!", Demi laughed and kept kissing me, moving her hands along my sides and gently tickling me.

I squirmed and laughed, trying not to laugh to hard.

Demi slowly stopped and relaxed, just holding me this time. I sighed and laid my head on her shoulder.

I glanced over at the clock and noticed that it was almost 5 pm.

Demi followed my eyes and smiled, pulling me tighter in her arms.

"Come on, why don't we get dressed so we can go eat.", I nodded and sat up, one of her arms wrapped around my waist.

I stretched a little, the covers of the bed sitting in my lap. Demi sat up and stretched as well, she pulled the covers off her legs and swung them over the side of the bed, standing up and groaning.

I watched as she  stretched just a little more. This time bending over and then straightening her back. She turned around and looked at me, smirking as she caught me watching.

"Liking the view?", she ran her hand over her ass and shook it a little. I blushed hard and pulled the covers over my face. Demi chuckled and pulled the covers away, looking at my face and laughing.

She put one knee on the bed and leaned over to me, tenderly grabbed my face, pulling me closer and kissing me. She lingered for a second before pulling back.

"Come on, get some clothes on so we can go get food.", I pouted but stood up, following her into the living room so I could get my clothes. She quickly grabbed some clothes and threw them on before walking out.

I pulled on my clothes and sighed, already missing be under the covers with nothing on. It was comfy. Demi walked past me and gave my butt a small squeeze.

I whimpered and walked behind her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and kissing her neck.

Demi quickly got out from my grip and turned around, pulling me straight into her arms.

"As much as I would love to have marks from you on my neck, I can't let you do that. I know this a kink academy and all but I still have to maintain some form of control and professionalism.", I looked up at her and just nodded, not even second guessing it.

She was wasn't wrong really, she is the headmistress and she has a bunch of people under her, she can't exactly have bright marks all over her.

I snapped from my thoughts as she let go of me and walked over to the counter, taking her purse and turning back to me.

She smiled and walked back over, kissing my cheek and grabbing my hand.

"Come on, lets go before the cafeteria gets too crowded."

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