chapter 30

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"Ry, honey, come on. Wake up baby."

I could barely hear but I was able to make out Demi's voice. She sounded so panicked and it scared me a little.

I felt myself being lifted and then placed down.

I let out a whine and slowly opened my eyes.

I went to sit up but failed, falling back and feeling myself hit pillows.

"No no no, baby, don't struggle, I got you." I looked around a little and saw Demi laying me back down.

I whimpered and held out my arms.

Demi reached over and wrapped her arms around me, turning me so I was laying against her body.

"What the fuck happened?" she ran her fingers through my hair and kissed my head.

"First off, cut down on the swearing, second off you fainted." I groaned and closed my eyes, resting against her.

"What did the instructor do?" I could feel Demi tense but I reached for her hand and pulled it over my chest.

"Right after you fainted she said she didn't actually file a lawsuit, she said it was to scare you." I scoffed and snuggled against her chest.

"Let me guess, she's fired?" I looked up and saw her nod. I sighed and shook my head.

"Honestly, don't. She doesn't need to have her whole life ruined cause of one incident." I looked up at Demi and saw her eyes widen.

"Baby she made you panic to the point of fainting, in my books that is grounds for firing." I shook my head against and rubbed my eye.

"Please don't, give her a warning or something, just don't fire her." I went quiet and laid my head on her shoulder, hoping to have won the argument.

I heard a little muttering from Demi but eventually she just said 'fine'.

I chuckled and reached up, I put my hand gently around the back of her neck and pulled her down to kiss me.

We both smiled and giggled as we pulled away.

"While you, I decided that I was going to get food for us. A simple pizza and some microwaveable popcorn." I smiled and pulled the covers from the bed over my shoulder.

"That sounds nice if I'm being honest." Demi chuckled and slid me off of her, laying next to me and wrapping her left arm around me.

She kissed me again and then kiss my nose.

"If we just lay around and hang out can I just not keep my shirt or pants on?" Demi rolled her eyes playfully and smiled.

"I have no issues with that so go ahead." I giggled and wiggled out of my pants and shirt.

Demi rolled her eyes and walked out of the room and into the kitchen, she came back moments later with her keys in hand and her purse.

"I'm gonna go get the stuff from the store and then I'm gonna get the pizza. Any thing special you want me to get you while I'm gone?" I thought for a moment but couldn't thing right away.

"Um....can you get a little thing of ice cream?" I made a tiny pout and gave her the puppy eyes.

She smiled and walked over, kissing the top of my head. "You're so cute when you pout like that.". I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Demi chuckled and gave me another kiss.

"I will get you the ice cream. Anything specific?" I yawned and nodded.

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