chapter 35

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"I'm so confused.", Kehlani and Lauren looked at me, confusion on their faces as well.

"What are you confused about?",Kehlani went back to doodling on her page while I talked to Lauren.

"I'm confused on what the fuck just happened. De-I mean Mistress Lovato never spoke to me like that. Hell, she never mentioned training. Is there something you doms get, like a instructions or something?", Lauren smiled and actually nodded.

"Yeah actually we do. In our domination class we have a paper given and it tells us what we should train our subs. I guess Mistress Lovato forgot to mention it to you. Don't sweat it though, its basic stuff. Just like listening and learning commands, helping out, respect, punishments, rewards. Easy stuff. Doms don't have to go by it, they can train whenever and whatever, most go by the instruction though.", I groaned and flopped back in my seat.

Lauren chuckled and went back to getting her stuff out.

I sighed and pulled my laptop out of my bag, Kehlani looked up and realized she was gonna need her stuff as well. She grabbed her stuff and plopped it on the table.

I looked over and saw Dinah and Troye just talking with each other. Dinah was letting him copy notes as they talked.

We all looked up when we heard someone clear their throat.

The instructor.

She glared at everyone but then turned to me.

Before she even spoke I made my phone record the audio, last thing I needed was no evidence for what this woman was doing.

"I told you to keep your mouth shut.", I rolled my eyes and shook my head, making brief eye contact with Lauren. She seemed as mad as me and looked ready to slam this woman.

"How do you know I even spoke to her about the incident? Hmm? There are other ways for her to have found out.", the instructor let out a disgusting growl. She reached out quickly and grabbed me by the throat.

My eyes went wide and I started to kick and thrash around.

"LET HER GO!!!", Kehlani, Lauren, Dinah and Troye all jumped up and tried to pry the instructors hands from my throat.

Luckily they were successful.

I fell on my ass when the instructor let go.

She was in a pure rage mode and looked ready to try and hurt me again.

"You fucking touch me again and I'll kick your ass.", the instructor scoffed and threw her hands up. She walked back to her desk and sat down.

"CLASS IS CANCELED!" Everyone stopped for a moment and looked at each other.

The instructor was playing the baby card.

"Alright, we can all leave then.", I walked to my stuff and threw it all in my bag.

Lauren, Kehlani, Dinah and Troye all did the same thing.

Soon enough everyone was packing their shit and leaving.

It was funny, really funny.

The instructor sat in the front and was a sputtering mess, unable to comprehended that people weren't taking her side.

I slung my bag over my shoulder, Lauren, Kehlani, Dinah and troye doing the same.

We all walked over to the door.

I was behind everyone and stopped right before the threshold of the door.

I turned around on my heel and smiled at the instructor. The instructor was still sputtering and looked ready to blow a casket.

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