chapter 44

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"I don't want to go back to my dorm!", Demi sighed and nodded, pulling me into her arms.

"Trust me, it'll be a fast night and there is the campus meeting tomorrow.",I huffed and crossed my arms, not wanting to leave.

"Honestly, should I go now so I get enough sleep?", Demi turned and thought for a moment.

"Up to you. If you want to leave to go sleep then it's fine with me.", I nodded but stayed next to her. She chuckled and pulled me closer.

"I guess I'll go, may as well give you more time to prepare for the meeting in the auditorium tomorrow.", Demi nodded and turned me around, pulling me onto her lap.

Her hands under my jaw, gently holding onto my face as we kissed.

She pulled away and smiled.

"Come on, go now, don't want you to get caught.", I whined but got up. Stretching a little and grabbing my stuff.

Demi followed me to her door and turned me around, kissing me again and smiling into the kiss.

She pulled away again and chuckled, moving her hand behind me and giving my butt a squeeze.

I whined and swatted her hand away, turning and opening the door.

"Bye baby.", I pouted and walked out the door.

"Byeeeeee...", I huffed and walked down the hall, trying to get to my dorm fast.

I walked down the hall and exited the building. It was actually getting dark out.

I quickly went along and got to my dorm building.

As I entered I heard a hushed voice.

It sounded like a woman but I got scared.

I entered the dorm building and practically ran to my dorm, grabbing my keys and quickly finding them.

As I got to my floor I sprinted to my room, now the sound of footsteps were clear.

I shoved my key in and turned it, opening my door and shutting it.

Taking my keys out of course.

I shut my door and locked it, my heart beating like crazy.

I kept my back to the door and couldn't catch my breath for a moment.

I turned around, shaking almost as I looked through the peep hole. Out side was standing my two instructors.

My eyes went wide and I panicked.

I pulled out my phone and texted Demi, explaining the most I could before I started to shake a lot.

She texted back right away and told me not to panic, I should use the dead bolt on the door and talk to them that way.

I was about to send a text telling her I was going to go with her advice, but before I could the instructors knocked.

I put my bag down and pushed it away, doing the same with my binder.

I dead bolted the door and then opened it a crack.

"Hi...why are you at my dorm?", both instructors gave me a questioning look and seemed a bit taken a back by how rude I was.

"Good evening Ry. We just wanted to say we saw you walking through campus as it was getting dark. We followed you to literally tell you to not do that. It's too dangerous.", I nodded and gave them a thumbs up.

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