chapter 11

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"Come on baby, time to wake up." I whimpered and rolled onto my stomach. I was not about to get up.

I felt Demi put her hand on my back and try to shake me awake. Yeah, not gonna happen.

"I don't want to ask again. Please get up before you have to write lines." I whined and turned onto my back, staring up at Demi.

She smiled and kissed my cheek, "Good girl." I huffed and slowly sat up.

Demi got up and stretched, arching her back which made her butt poke out. I watched as she turned around and smirked.

I sighed and flopped back on the bed, yanking the covers over my head. I heard a growl which scared me a little. I pealed back the covers and saw Demi with her hands on her hips and an angry scowl on her face.

She walked over and yanked the covers from my hands, pulling me by the legs towards the end of the bed.

She knelled on the bed and sat on my hips.

"I told you to get up. I will yank you over my lap and punish you that way." I whimpered and shook my head. Getting spanked did not seem to appealing at 8:30 in the morning.

Demi got off of me and sat me up, pulling me off the bed completely.

I groaned and just accepted the fact that I was awake. Demi led me over to the little living room and plopped me on the couch. I sighed when I hit the soft cushions, I wanted to lay down but I knew Demi would not be happy.

She walked into the little kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing two eggs and returning to the counter. She grabbed a small container and cracked the eggs inside of it. She got milk and poured just a little into the container and put some salt and pepper inside as well.

She mixed it all together and put it in the microwave. I was confused but I guess its food.

She took it out when It beeped and stirred it and put it back in.

This time when she took it out it was just scrambled eggs.

Demi grabbed a fork and came over, sitting next to me on the couch. She still was in only her underwear which made me a bit turned on.

Demi turned towards me and held out the fork, I took a bite and was surprised that it was fully scrambled eggs. She chuckled at my reaction and took a bite for herself.

She took turns feeding herself and feeding me, it was nice and calming in a way.

When there wasn't anymore egg left she got up and put it in the sink, walking back over and holding her hand for me to grab. I grabbed her hand and stood up and followed her to her room.

She went and got clothes for herself but nothing for me.

"I need to go to my dorm to get my clothes." She looked up and shook her head, she walked back over to her closet and rummaged around, finding a pair of shorts and t-shirt for me to wear.

She tossed it to me as well as extra underwear.

She walked into the bathroom and got changed, I got changed in her room. Sorta.

By the time I was fully undressed she walked out of the bathroom and turned towards me.

Her blank face turned into a big smirk as she got closer, I looked down at the floor and didn't look up.

"Don't hide your pretty little face. I saw everything last night, no need to hide your face now." I whimpered and felt all blushy.

Demi tilted my head up and kept her hands on my shoulders. She leaned down and kissed me and slowly pushed me back.

She pulled away and smiled very gently.

"I think you deserve a reward for being a good girl. With your permission of course, can I give you your reward?" I merely melted at the idea of what she was about to do.

I slowly nodded and laid back fully.

Demi smiled and kissed me again, "thank you, I Promise to make this a good reward." I nodded and looked down as she knelt in front of me.

She looked up with concern on her face. "Have you ever had anything sexual done to you before?" I nodded and moved my legs a little.

Her concern faded and she grabbed a hold of my thighs, spreading them and looking at me like I was her last meal.


I let out a whimper as Demi cleaned me up.

My body felt light and I felt so relaxed. More relaxed then I've been in a while.

She got on the bed and pulled my legs up towards her. She held me and cradled me and kept kissing my head or my lips.

"Did you like your reward?" I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder. She hummed in response and rocked me back and forth.

I yawned and looked over towards the clock.

It was already 9:15 and I had my class at 10.

Demi took notice of the time as well and very gently laid me on the bed. She grabbed the underwear she let me borrow and slipped them on me. I whimpered and flinched a little when she put them on but it was only because I was still sensitive.

She helped me put on the shirt as well as the shorts.

I sat up on my own and stretched a little.

I got up and walked over and held out my arms for a hug.

Demi wrapped her arms around me quickly and just let me rest against her. I felt calm and at peace in some way.

Eventually she let go and went to get all her stuff ready. I did the same, checking my phone and making sure it was charged.

By the time we got out of her door it was 9:55, I had to run to class.

I had looked at my phone and saw the time and showed Demi, she looked at me and I knew I'd be in trouble even if she was the reason I was late.

I gave her a peace sign and ran, I tripped over my own feet and almost slammed into a wall.

But at least I made it to class.

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