chapter 60

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Demi's face scrunched up, mine doing the same.

We both looked at each other, both of us confused to high hell.

For a moment it looked like a scene out of a book. Everyone kind of frozen and tried to take in the information.

I glanced over at Jessica and saw her roll her eyes.

Demi sighed and stood up, grabbing her phone and quickly calling someone.

She came over to where I was and crouched next to my head.

I could see up her skirt like usual, normally it's nice but due to the circumstances, wasn't the most exciting thing.

I went to tilt my head up a little to look at her but she was quick to hold my head in place.

She mouthed 'don't' and pulled her phone away from her ear. Her face turning into a small scowled before she pressed some more things on the screen.

"Who are you calling?", She quickly looked down at me and then back at her phone.

"I was trying to call my lawyer but he didn't pick up. I'm texting him now. After this I'm calling the police and having them come take her stuff and her.", I gave a thumbs up, a bit scared to nod my head.

Demi was quick to text, eventually she just used one hand, she brought her other hand down and just placed it on my cheek.

I looked towards the guard and saw him struggle with Jessica again.

"Dude you have a taser, if she struggles put it to her side, she wont struggle as much."

The security guard nodded and grabbed his taser, holding it to Jessica's side as she struggled.

As the guard put the taser other side, the nurse walked in, her eyes going a bit wide when she saw all of us. Demi looked up and gave a half a smile, the nurse returning the smile as well.

"I see something went on in here.", Demi nodded and motioned towards Jessica.

"She was the one responsible for making the posters about Ry, I questioned her about it, denied it but once evidence was shown she flipped. Attacked Ry and all. I just called you here cause I want to make sure Ry is okay."

The nurse nodded, coming over to me and knelling down.

She pulled gloves on and started to focus.

"Anything hurt?"

"Nope, no right now.", the nurse chuckled lightly, I looked towards my feet and saw Demi standing in front of me.

The nurse moved my head around, looking over my face and all.

She made a face and shook her head, pulling off her gloves and standing up.

"She's fine, just watch over how her face bruises.", Demi nodded and glanced down at me, she sighed and thanked the nurse, the nurse nodded, turning her attention to Jessica.

"I see she was tasered.", Demi nodded shrugging her shoulders right after.

The nurse crouched down next to Jessica, quickly looking at when she was tased.

"She's fine as well."

Demi rolled her eyes and came to my side, helping me sit up.

Once I was sitting she helped me stand, bringing me over to her chair.

I sat down, sighing as I did.

It felt nice to not be laying on my back on the ground.

Demi sat on the edge of her desk, looking at her watch.

"Jeez, how long does it take for cops to com-", she was cut off when a guy knocked on the door frame. To be more specific the guy was a cop.

What a coincidence.

"I was called down to arrest someone...I um...think I can tell who.", He glanced at Jessica, nodding to the security guard as he moved over.

When the security guard got off of her she took the opportunity to try and jump to her feet, she slipped a little but got up.

I moved the chair back and hooked my foot around Demi's thigh.

Demi glanced at me and quickly moved over to be in front of me.

The officer grabbed Jessica, pushing her up against the wall.

She was screaming a bit, thrashing around and trying like hell to get out of the cops grip.

Wasn't working though.

The cop pushed her against the wall even harder, clearly not about to take any shit from her.

"Stop resisting!", I shrank back into the chair, the cops voice echoing through the room.

Once he subdued Jessica he walked out of the office, Jessica out in front of him.

That left me with Demi and the security guard into the office.

Demi turned to the security guard, giving him a quick hug.

"Thank you, trust me, you're getting a raise for having to deal with this shit.", the security guard chuckled, nodding and walking out the room.

Demi sighed, rubbing her face with the palms of her hands.

A shiver ran down my back as we both were quiet.

Demi had her back turned to me for a bit, she was just sitting on the edge of her desk, seemed like she was staring at the wall.

I slowly got up, walking behind her and around so I was able to see her face.

She looked up at me when I stood in front of her, she smiled a little and let me hug her.

"You know none of this is your fault. Please don't be blaming yourself.", Demi shook her head, standing up and leading me to her chair.

She sat down and pulled me into her lap, I curled up a little, letting her rest her hand on my butt.

"Are you going to have to file a police report?", Demi shrugged.

"Well I'd need you to press charges cause then my lawyer would be in charge of the whole thing. Plus I want to get a restraining order against her and the fired instructors. So yeah, kinda wanna file a report.", I hummed, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Once the cop gets done asking questions, can I go to your dorm and sleep? I'm tired and just...drained I guess."

"Yeah, no problem."

I nodded and let out a yawn, stretching a little in her arms.

Demi chuckled, pushing my hair out of my face.

"You make me happy, I really wish I had met you sooner."

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