chapter 76

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"Hey come on, the floor is not a place to sleep.", I whined and wiggled around on the hardwood. I looked like a gleeful slug.

Demi came over and put her purse on the counter, taking her shoes off and then crouching down over me.

I whimpered and reached for her hand, trying to get her to just let me lay.

"Come on, let's go into the bed, much more comfy and not dirty."

She pulled me up and sighed when I flopped back down.

"A repeat from earlier?", I nodded and giggled as I wiggled away.

Demi chuckled and came over, grabbing my ankles and pulling me.

I yelped and laughed as she dragged me to the bedroom, she stopped right before the door and smiled at me.

"Hold yourself, the doorframe is gonna hurt if I pull you over it.", I quickly hoisted myself up a little and crab walked my way into the room.

Demi put my ankles down and sighed, I got up and ran over to the bed, jumping onto it and wiggling under the covers. Demi chuckled and came over, gently ticking me under the covers.

I giggled and popped out from under the covers, she smiled and sat on the bed, pulling me closer to herself.

"Come on, shower and then sleep.", I whined and shook my head, wanting to just stay in bed.

"Hey, watch it.", she grabbed my chin and gave me a look. I huffed and wiggled from her arms, as I walked I took my clothes off and went into the bathroom. Demi came into the bathroom fast and stared at me with a smirk.

"Really, gonna be like that, stripping as you walk?", I giggled and shook my head, walking over and leaning against her.

She quickly picked me up and turned on the shower, she put me back down and took off her clothes, grabbing a couple towels and placing them on the counter. I sat down on the cover of the toilet, looking up and waiting for the water to get warm.

Demi walked over, standing in front of me and smiling.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs and rested my head against her stomach.

She ran her fingers through my hair and gently ran her hands along my body.

"Come on, let's get in so the water doesn't get cold.", I nodded and stood up, going over and putting my hand under the water. It was warm and very steamy otherwise.

Demi gently guided me in, gently running nails along my back as I stepped in. She got in right after me and closed the shower door.

I whimpered and stood under the water, letting it just cascade down my body. Demi chuckled and came over, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Let me wash you baby, just relax and let me do the work.", I hummed and stood still, waiting to see what she was gonna do.

She let go of me, reaching over and grabbing the body wash. She uncapped it and squirted a little bit into her hands. She capped the body wash back up and smiled at me.

She stood behind me, running her hands along my body and slowly washing me.

I whimpered as she went lower, Knowing what she could do.

Demi chuckled, bringing her hands back up and quickly washing my back and my chest.

She held her hands under the water to get the rest of the body wash off. She moved me back and under the shower head.

The body wash washing off and leaving me feeling clean.

I leaned back against her and sighed, closing my eyes and relaxing.

"I'm tired.", I looked up, giving Demi and puppy eyes.

She chuckled and hugged me tight.

"Alright, I'll hurry so we can go to sleep. How do you wanna sleep by the way?", I tilted my head and scrunched my face up.

"Like with clothes, minimal clothes, no clothes.",I smirked and quickly found myself blushing hard.

"No clothes", she nodded and let out a tiny laugh.

"I had a feeling you were gonna say that.", I blushed even harder and shook my head.

Her chest shook a little as she laughed, she slowly let go of me and started to wash herself. She grabbed the shampoo quickly and did my hair.

She did hers as well and rinsed herself off. She pulled my back under the shower head and tilted my head back.

She wrung the water from my hair and quickly did the same for her own.

"C'mon baby, let's get dried and then into bed.",I nodded and stepped out of the shower. I let out a yawn and did a little stretch. Demi ran her hands along my sides and chuckled when I got goosebumps.

"I wanna sleep in tomorrow.", Demi pursed her lips and shrugged a little. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself, she then grabbed another and dried me off.

She dried my hair and then her own, quickly tossing the towels into the basket.

She turned off the light and grabbed my hand, bringing me into the bedroom.

I walked over to the bed and sighed, flopping face first onto it.

Demi laughed and walked up behind me, running her hands along my hips.

"Come on, get in properly. The faster you're in the faster you're asleep.", I whined and wiggled my way onto the bed.

I got under the covers pulling them up and around my body.

Demi got in after me, pulling me close and kissing my cheek.

She turned off the bedside lamp and pulled the covers up around herself.

"Better? All warm and cozy?",I yawned again and nodded, sleepiness quickly taking over.

Demi chuckled and turned my head kissing me on the lips this time.

"I love you baby, good night.",I whined a little and pushed myself closer to her.

I rested my head next to her chest and sighed.

"I love you too, goodnight."

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