chapter 17

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"I think you should go see the campus medical building.", I sighed and shook my head, the last thing I was about to do was see a nurse for a simple slap.

Demi tilted my head and gave me a serious look.

She no longer was crying, now she was holding me and just giving me attention all around.

"It doesn't hurt, doesn't sting.", Demi sighed and moved my head so it was in the light. She gently touched the mark, I didn't feel it as pain. It felt like she poked my cheek.

"It seriously doesn't hurt. Maybe by morning it might hurt.", Demi scoffed and held my head to her chest.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes, just our breathing was heard.

"So...I kinda want to know what happened.", I looked up and saw Demi was upset, tears starting to make her eyes glossy.

I moved my hands up and cupped her cheeks, pulling her head down and connecting our lips.

I felt her body relaxed, a tiny little tear fell and hit my cheek. It made me get a tiny bit upset myself but I didn't care.

When we pulled away, she sniffled and wiped the tear away.

I poked out my lip and held her hands, bringing them to my chest.

"When It came time to leave he asked my out on a date, I said no. He moved closer and you obviously know the rest.", Demi closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath.

"I'm still so sorry for telling you off. I care so much about you and it just hurt to see someone else...just violate you.", I nodded and snuggled closer to her.

"I know you felt angry, I was scared shitless when you yelled. Your veins popped from your head and neck.", Demi chuckled a little and rubbed her neck.

I let go of her other hand and pointed to the spot, she ran her fingers over it and chuckled lightly.

"It was okay though, kinda scary, kinda hot. Ya know normal feelings.", she laughed and nodded.

I fumbled with her fingers, just moving them and playing around. She gently wiggled her fingers and poke my nose.

I moved my head back and smiled, she tried again but I grabbed her fingers before she could poke me.

"No poke.", she chuckled and held both my hands together with just one of her own

She smiled as she poked my nose, "Yes poke.", I pouted and turned my face away from her.

"Oh come on. Let me see your cute little face, I know you aren't mad.", I tried to act pissed but it clearly wasn't working.

Demi turned my face, holding it in her hand.

A little pout plastered onto her face.

"can I have a kiss so I don't have to pout?", I put my finger to my chin, acting like I was deep in thought.

I shrugged and gave her a kiss, her pout going away in a matter of seconds.

"I think kisses makes us both happy.", Demi chuckled and nodded.

Suddenly we both stopped and just took a moment to collect ourselves, "I think its best that we don't do kissing for a while. Small and quick and little pecks are fine. Just no making out.", I nodded and snuggled into her embrace.

"Do you wanna stay here tonight or do you want to go back to my dorm? Or do you want to be alone?", I sighed and thought for a minute.

I wanted her to be with me but at the same time I still need to process everything.

"I mean, I'd like you to be around and be near you but like I guess my brain is still processing everything.", Demi nodded and thought for a second.

"If you want, I can stay here tonight and lay with you but not snuggle or touch you. Like use a blanket to separate us.", I didn't really see the worst in that idea, at least she was there but not right up against me.

I nodded which made Demi smile.

When she smiled I just about burst into tears. She seemed like the only person who truly cared about me. The only person who loved me.

Her smile faded and worry spread across her, "Ry are you okay?" I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Its just that y- Its....fuck." I rubbed my face and then dropped it into my hands.

Demi came closer and gently put her hand on my back.

"Baby whats wrong?" I sighed and just sat up. I glanced over at Demi and saw that she was very worried.

"I just- FUCK!" I slammed my body backwards and just curled up.

I wasn't in pain or anything, I was scared.

I wanted to tell her something but I was scared of her reaction.

Demi quickly sat me up and loosely held me. She rocked me back and forth and tried to calm me down. My breathing was erratic and I was sweating.

"Ry, honey look at me. Breathe. You're okay." I took deep breaths and just pushed myself farther into her arms.

I wanted to tell her something but I had a feeling she'd either hate me or get mad.

Suddenly her phone rang which made us both sit up.

She didn't get up or anything, she ignored it and held me.

"A-answer your phone, m-might be important." She was about to protest but I leaned over and grabbed it and held it for her.

She sighed and let go of me, answering it.

"Hello?" she sat and listened, not making a sound. Her face suddenly went from bored and unmoved to angry and panicked.

"Okay, please call the police. I will as well and I'll keep her safe. Thank you for informing me....yep...yeah...okay bye." Demi hung the phone up and got up fast.

I sat and watched as she grabbed her stuff, quickly dialing on her phone.

"Ry, I'm gonna have you come over to my dorm and stay for a while. Both the original instructor and the one from before some how got in touch in that small time span. They both have something against you. I'm keeping you with me and keeping you safe." I felt my body get cold.

It felt like all the heat was drained from the room.

"Grab your clothes and stuff. I'm gonna have you staying in my dorm. Come on, hurry." I stayed frozen.

Scared to move. Demi placed her stuff down and came over, crouching in front of the bed.

She gently cupped her hands around my face.

"Ry, It's gonna be okay. I promise. I'm gonna keep you safe." I nodded and stayed quiet.

"Come on." she whispered in a soothing voice.

I got up and grabbed all my stuff, clothing included.

As I walked outta the bathroom with my other clothes, Demi was waiting by the door.

She smiled and held out her hand as I walked over.

She took my keys to my dorm and put them in her pocket. I held her hand as we walked down the hall.

Right as we got to the door my brain repeated her words from before.

"I promise."

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