chapter 9

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"My hand is going to hurt!!" Demi shook her head and shrugged.

"Should of asked if you could take pictures of me before you did it." I grunted and mimicked her. Her head shot up and she gave me a death glare.

I stopped ad picked up my pen and started to write.

She had me writing 'I will not take pictures of Mistress Lovato without her permission.'. Had to write it 50 times.

That's a lot.

She went back to reading her papers and I went back to writing my lines. I found a way to cheat the writing lines system, or so I think so.

Just write small and write each word for each sentence at the same time.

I got through the sentences and sat forward, sliding the piece of paper towards Demi. She looked up and picked up the paper, reading over it and making sure I spelt everything correctly.

She nodded and sat back, patting her lap. I got up and walked over, she pulled me into her lap and pulled my legs over the side of the swivel chair.

I giggled and snuggled into her arms.

"You are a snuggly girl aren't you?" I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Is my snugglyness an issue?" she shook her head and kissed my cheek.

"I love that you are snuggly. I get to hold you and you get hugs." I chuckled and snuggled closer.

"So I know you are a submissive but do want to try anything else?" I shrugged. I knew what she meant but I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head.

She swiveled the chair side to side, She kept on hand around my legs and the other around my back.

"Have you ever thought of pet play?" I thought of it, never really had a want to try.

"I mean It's not a big goal to try that specific play but I could attempt and try to see if I like it." she nodded and thought of other things.

"Humiliation?" I smiled and blushed. I liked the idea and sorta wanted to go into it and try. When I nodded Demi hummed and bounced me a little.

"Some one likes being called names I see." I nodded, "I like getting called names but as long there is like a good part in it, like 'baby' or something like that then I'm good." she nodded and made a simple face of understanding.

"Roleplay?" I nodded quick. The idea of it made me shy though.

Demi laughed and cooed at me becoming shy.

"Uh I can't think of anymore off the top of my head. Remember, if you ever want to try something just tell me and We'll talk about it." I nodded and laid my head near her neck.

She moved a little and kissed my chin, I laughed and moved my head so she could kiss my lips or cheek. She went straight for my lips which made me smile.

This time when she kissed she didn't make it short and quick. This time she really went in for it.

She gently kissed me but started to put more power into it, my face started to heat up and I made a tiny whimper. Demi pulled away and smirked, she moved my legs so they weren't on the side of the chair anymore.

She tapped my butt so I'd get up, once I got up she moved forward on the chair and tapped the empty space between her legs and the handles of the chair.

I straddled her and the chair, her hands roamed around my body as we made out.

I let out a quiet moan when she squeezed my ass.

She pulled away from my lips and went to my neck, I let out a whimper when she bit down a little.

"De-Mistress" I felt her smile against my neck after hearing me correct myself.

Demi pushed her hands up my shirt and ran them along my sides. I got goosebumps as she went on. "F-fuck" my breathing became erratic and I could feel myself getting wet a little.

Demi pulled away, we were both breathing quite hard.

She held my head in her hands and rested her forehead against mine.

"That...that was amazing." I nodded and slowly caught my breath.

She ran her thumb along my jawline and smiled, she leaned and kissed my jawline and then bit it a little.

When she pulled back she smiled.

"A little mark so you remember who your mistress is." I nodded and felt around for the mark. I found it quickly once I put pressure on it.

Demi chuckled and kissed my lips again. She leaned her forehead on mine again and held onto me so I wouldn't fall backward.

"I for the life of me can't get over kissing you." I smiled and grinned.

"Smooth talker I see." she nodded and kissed me again.

We pulled away from each other and breathed.

"We are acting like two highschoolers" Demi let out a cackle which made me giggle a little.

I leaned back and rested my body on her desk. She held onto my body so I wouldn't fall back which was a good idea because I wouldn't of been surprised if I did fall.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until my legs started to ache. I sat up and pulled my leg out from under me, I got my balance and did the same with the other one.

Demi let go of me as I stretched.

I picked up my phone and saw that only an hour had went by since lunch. "Trying to leave me?" I looked up and shook my head.

"I have no reason to leave. I love being around you." Demi grinned and sighed as she sat back.

I sat in the chair in front of her and laid my head down on my arms.

"Can I just fool around?" Demi looked at me and didn't seem to sure.

"I wont break anything." she rubbed her head and nodded.

I jumped up and literally just walked around, I went over towards a book case but stopped when something dropped behind me.

I turned and saw a rubber bouncy ball on the ground. Demi motioned towards it and I smiled.

I went over and grabbed it and sat on the ground, "come over here baby." I crawled over to Demi and leaned against the wall next to her.

I rolled the ball around and played with it.

"It's easy to keep you entertained."

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