chapter 85

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"Okay, we'll see you girls soon. Glad you had a good day.", Lauren and Kehlani laughed and nodded, walking off towards their dorm.

Demi turned to me and smiled.

"Now you and me can go back to our little dorm and you can try on the pretty little skirts for me.", I blushed and hid my face, feeling all blushy and nervous.

I gently curled my arm around hers and walked beside her back to the room.

We walking into the little lobby and quickly went up stairs, Demi seemed to be walking a little faster than me, most likely excited.

We got to the door and she fished around for her keys in her purse, she placed the bags on the ground and quickly unlocked the door. She tossed the keys in her purse and picked the bags back up, walking in and waiting for me.

I walked in and quickly ran to the bathroom, going about my business. I finished up and washed my hands, walking out and seeing Demi smiling wide.

"Come on baby.", she gently grabbed my hands and lead me to the bedroom, the bags sitting at the foot of the bed. 

Demi brought me over to the bed and gently pushed me back onto it.

She crouched down and grabbed the skirts out of the bag, smiling and placing them next to me on the bed.

"Can I wear one of my big hoodies?", Demi looked up and smiled, nodding and standing up.  She walked over to the closet, quickly looking around inside and then grabbing a hoodie from a hanger.

She walked over and handed it to me, a soft smile on her face as I quickly put it on.

She crouched back in front of me and placed her hands on my thighs.

"Ok, how about you try on the plain colored ones first?", I gave a small nod and folded my hands a little.

She stood up and grabbed the plain black skirt first.

She held out her hand for me and I grabbed it and stood up. I quickly took off my sweatpants and pulled on the skirt. My face heated up and I felt super shy.

Demi moved back a little and smiled, she came back to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, kissing my head and holding me against her.

"You look so pretty baby. Oh my god, you look adorable!", my face got even more red as I pushed it into her chest.

I whimpered and looked up at Demi, she had a huge smile plastered across her face. She leaned down and kissed me, her hands coming up and holding me against her.

She pulled away and grabbed the pink skirt, dangling it from one finger.

I sat back down and quickly pulled the black skirt off, placing it back on the bed. Demi held the pink skirt out for me and I quickly stepped into it.

She pulled it up and fixed my hoodie, holding onto my hands as she looked over me.

"You look so cute!!!", she bounced a little which made me giggle and cover my face with my hands.

She laughed and pulled my hands away letting out a sigh as she looked me up and down.

"Oh my god Ry you don't even understand how cute you look right now.", I sat back on the bed and pulled my hands into the sleeves of my hoodie. Demi sat next to me and pulled me into her lap.

"I know it feels weird baby but I promise that you'll only put them on when you feel comfy with it, okay? And I promise only I'll see you with them on.", I nodded and wiggled in her lap a little.

She slid me back onto the bed and picked up the white skirt, I quickly pulled the pink one off and stepped into the white one.

"I feel like the white one would be really cute in the summer. Something about it just seems summer-ish.", I giggled and nodded, bouncing in place on the bed.

"Okay now the other ones.", I pulled the white one off and placed it in the pile with the other three plain ones.

"How about this one, I think the straps on the side are cute.", I pointed my legs out straight and let her pull them up. I stood up and stayed still as she pulled them up and pulled the hoodie back down over it.

She smirked and pulled me away from the bed and stood behind me.

"Ya know, I can totally see you wearing this one and being all hot and bothered in it. All I'd have to do is move it up," she reached down and gently pulled the back of the skirt up and pressed her body against mine, "and I'd have all the opportunity in the world to play with you this way."

I let out a whimper and turned around, pouting and gently whacking her arm with my sleeve.

"No fair, I cant do anything for a few days, don't make me get all tempted and shit.", Demi let out a cackle and pulled me back, holding me against her.

"I'm sorry baby, just seeing you all dressed up made my mind run a little.", I pouted but a smile slowly crept onto my face.

"It's fine...but I'm holding you to what you said.", She smirked and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, leading me back to the bed.

"And don't worry, I'll uphold it, Its a promise baby.", I nodded and gently crossed my ankles, looking at the other two skirts.

"Okay how about this one, its has a little see through part on the bottom.", she held up the other plaid ones and shrugged.

I pulled the skirt with the straps off and took the skirt from Demi's hands, I quickly pulled it on and stood up, she smiled and nodded, picking up the last one.

I quickly pulled the skirt off and got the last one on. Demi moved back again and smiled, holding out her arms for me.

I pushed myself against her and wrapped my arms around her, sighing and she hugged me.

"You did so well baby. You look so pretty and I cant wit to see you in them when you're feeling better.", I nodded and fiddled with my hoodie, kinda wanting to get back into my sweatpants.

"Can I put my sweatpants back on now?", Demi looked down at me and nodded, letting me go and picking up the skirts and placing them all in a pile.

I pulled the skirt off and grabbed my sweatpants and pulled them back on. I turned around and got on the bed, slowly crawling under the covers.

Demi chuckled and put the skirts bag into one bag. She quickly walked into the kitchen and came back with the build a bear. She placed it in my arms and smiled.

She got on the bed and moved over to me and laid beside me, pulling me into her arms. 

"Take a nap baby, you deserve it."

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