chapter 62

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"Turn so I can wash your face.", I turned myself and stared up at Demi, the shower still going.

She took the wash cloth that was in her hands and gently scrubbed at my face.

"Now that you're more calm, can you tell me why you just...broke down?", I sighed and gave a lifeless shrug.

"I...honestly think everything just hit me. I guess I got way too overwhelmed by everything that's been going on and just...broke.", Demi nodded and let go of my face, she rung out the wash cloth and wet it again, laying it over the handle in the shower.

She slowly sat down and sat with her back against the shower wall, pulling me over and leaning me between her legs.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and gave a small kiss to my neck.

"Where did you go by the way? I know you went for a walk but where?", I turned a little and rested my head on her shoulder.

"The little path beside the campus, there's a hole in the fence and I went through that. Its just a weird path that leads to some table and what not.", Demi nodded and ran her fingers along my thigh.

"Thank you for not yelling at me by the way. When I walked in I thought you were gonna rip me a new one.", Demi chuckled lightly and pulled me closer.

We both kept quiet, the water just pelting us as we sat.

"Come on, I think it's best for us to get a little more sleep, the day will drag if we don't.", I nodded and stood up, bending down and helping Demi up.

Once she was up she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me, pulling back and smirking right after.

She reached behind me and turned off the shower, stepping out and grabbing a towel for herself. She dried herself and then dried me.

She got herself back into her underwear and bra and led me out and into th ebedroom.

She brought me to the bed and motioned for me to get on it.

I got on and under the covers, letting out a content sigh as the warm blankets engulfed me. Demi chuckled, getting under as well and pulling me into her arms.

"Go back to sleep, I'll make sure to wake you.", I nodded and turned a little, putting my hand under the pillow and pulling the sheets up farther.

"I'm going to classes tomorrow right?", Demi looked down at me and shrugged.

"Do you want to?", I nodded. I didn't want to miss anymore classes, I was in this academy for a reason, why waste the opportunity.

Demi nodded and then kissed my head.

"Alright, now go to sleep. I love you baby."

I smiled and closed my eyes, snuggling into the sheets and her arms.

I slowly found myself drifting off and soon enough I was asleep.


I let out a whine and turned onto my left side. I felt a shiver run down my spine, it made me shudder and pull the covers tighter around myself.

As I pulled the covers around myself I felt a pair of hands run along my body.

"Come on baby, wake up. You gotta get ready for class.", I whined and shoved my face into the pillow, waking up was the last thing I wanted to do. Waking up for a class was really not what I wanted to do.

I heard a sigh and then the bed shifted.

I no longer felt hands on me but I could hear footsteps.

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around a little.

Demi was bent over and grabbing something from a set of drawers.

She turned around and had a pair of my underwear and a bra in her hand. Slung over her other arm was my uniform.

She laid it down on the bed and placed my underwear and bra on top of it.

She looked at my face and saw my eyes were slightly open.

"I'm going to get you dressed to just hurry the process up, alright?", I whined and nodded, flopping my head back on the pillow. She chuckled as she pulled the comforter off my body, she pulled my down to the end of the bed and smiled.

"I'll go as fast as I can, I promise.", I whimpered and shook my head.

"Take your time.", Demi laughed and slowly started to get me dressed.

She got my underwear around my ankles and slowly pulled them up, kifting my hips and pulling them into place.

She sighed as she held the bra, knowing I wasn't going to sit up on my own.

I held out my arms and waited for her to hand me the bra.

She gave me a look but handed it to me. I quickly pulled it over myself and then flopped back onto the bed. She shook her head but had a smile plastered on her face.

She grabbed the pants and pulled the on my legs, getting it so they were not in an odd spot.

Once she got the pants on her had the shirt left.

"Can you sit up for this one at least. I'm done now and you still have to get your stuff together and what not.", I whined and pouted, sitting up, not what I wanted to do.

"Come on baby, please. You've done good so far, just this and I'll let you relax before we leave."

I grumbled a little as I sat up, reaching out and trying to take the shirt from her. I missed about three times before I whined and slouched. Demi made me sit up again and helped me get the shirt on.

Once it was on and buttoned up Demi wrapped her arms around my legs and stood up with me in her arms.

"I'm gonna bring you to class but if I do the we got to get going now.", I sighed and nodded, wiggling out of her arms so I can stand on my own.

She let me down and I grabbed my bag.

When I turned Demi had her stuff and was ready for her normal day.

She walked over and kissed my lips, smiling against me.

I smiled a bit and then groaned as she pulled away.

"Come on, we can kiss later.", I pouted and let out a dramatic sigh.

"We can do a hell of a lot later. Hell, you could do me later.", I gave a cheeky smile as Demi turned around, she didn't look too amused.

"Hey, I saw the opportunity.", I put my hands up in defense and then bowed my head.

Demi motioned with her head to go which I did.

I walked past her and gave a small pout.

"I'll be doing you later alright.", I whipped around and saw Demi flash me a innocent smile.

"Go, don't wanna be late.", I stood for a moment and watched her face.

She smiled again and this tie gave me a tiny push.

I shook my head and turned around, walking a little bit so she could close the door behind herself. I waited for her to walk next to me as a signal to go.

She closed the door and walked beside me, elbowing me as she did.

We walked down the hall together, neither of us talking.

Right as we were about to go down the stairs she leaned over so she was right next to my ear . She chuckled at first but then spoke in a whisper.

"I wasn't joking by the way, I will be doing you later tonight, be prepared baby."

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