chapter 23

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"Ya know you could of asked for me to grab my laptop, we can watch videos that way." I shrugged and took another bite of pizza.

Demi got up and grabbed her laptop from the drawer of her desk. She placed it in front of us and logged in.

She went right to YouTube and asked the title of the video.

"It's called 'overnight in haunted cemetery (really creepy)'. Its by TFIL" Demi nodded and typed it in.

"Whats the time mark its at right now?" I opened my phone and looked quickly. "Its at two minutes and ten seconds." She nodded and got it to that point.

She turned around and picked me up, sitting down and placing me on her lap. I leaned forward and pressed play, snuggling into her arms.

We watched the video, the occasional chill running down my spine.

Once it was over we watched a few more videos, not really caring what they were about, more or less we were using it as background noise.

Demi had turned me around and was bouncing me on her lap.

"Hey, now since I have finished my work and you don't have anything to worry about, how about we go out now?" I nodded, eager to leave campus for a while.

Demi smiled and kissed my cheek.

She leaned forward with me on her lap and paused the video. She closed the tab and the computer itself.

She took it and placed it in the drawer.

She gently patted my butt, I got up and quickly finished my slice of pizza.

Demi cleaned up and took the pizza boxes and put the rest into one box. She then took the other one and folded it and compacted it into the trash.

She turned to me as I was grabbing my bag and the pillow and blankets.

I folded the blankets and put the pillow on top of them. I placed the on the top pf her desk and stood up with my bag. As I stood up I felt a tiny pinch on my butt.

I turned around and saw Demi sticking her tongue out at me. I pouted and crossed my arms.

Demi chuckled and walked back over, wrapped her arms around me and giving me a kiss. I tried to act tough but the second she kissed me I melted.

When she pulled back she smirked, knowing that I was not actually upset to begin with.

I pulled my bag over my shoulders and waited as Demi got her stuff. She grabbed all her stuff and the pizza box, when she came over I took her bags from her and carried them.

I watched as she stood there, completely shocked that I would do that.

"I'm only being nice." Demi smiled slowly and shook her head, taking her keys and locking the door as we exited the room.

I sorta ran ahead of her, mostly because all the bags were heavy.

"Slow down baby, I don't want you to trip." I huffed and waited as she made her way down the hallway. Once she was near me she tapped my butt and made me keep going.

We got to the end of the hall and we walked down the stairs. Once we got to the little lobby Demi stopped and made me stop as well.

"Give me my bags, you can carry the box." I sighed and slowly put her stuff down.

She handed me the box and kissed my head, she picked up her bags and we went back to walking.

"Lets make a quick detour to my room to put the pizza away, then we can put out bags and stuff away and go shopping." I nodded and almost sorta skipped along.

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