chapter 32

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Demi gave me a wearily look, even she knew something was up.

I took a bite of my pizza and just kept chewing, hoping she'd drop the conversation before it even happened.

"Did you take notes?" I nodded and grabbed my bag, pulling out my laptop and showing her the noted I took. I watched as her eyes scanned the notes, on occasion she'd type something.

She turned the laptop around to me and I looked at the screen.

"What were you typing?" She pulled out her lunch and took a quick bite, "I was fixing your spelling and grammar mistakes.", I nodded.

I put my laptop away and went back to eating. Every once in a while me or Demi would speak, but other than that there was silence.

I finished my pizza and pasta and quickly got up to put the tray away.

As I walked past Demi I felt her give my butt a tiny pat. I sucked in a breath and didn't say anything, it still hurt from where the bitchy instructor spanked me.

I put my tray where it was supposed to go and walked back to Demi.

As I sat down someone walked over.

The bitchy instructor.

She looked pissed and did not seem like she was gonna take anyone's bullshit.

She turned to Demi and smiled at her, "Good afternoon Mistress Lovato.", Demi looked up and gave a smile in return.

"Hello Ms. Kinch, good afternoon to you as well. Is there an issue?", the bitchy instructor gave a sad nod and then looked at me.

"Well if you recall, this morning your brought Ry right here, in this morning to my class. Just wanted to say that she was extremely rude, flipping me the finger multiple times and just ignoring me altogether. She was loud and on her phone for most of the lesson, she took notes but was not listening at all." I looked at her in shock.

Lying through her teeth and she knew it.

Demi turned to me and stared at me for a second. She looked up the instructor and gave her a wearily look.

"Are you sure if was Ry? There have been two issues revolving around Ry in the short amount of time she's been here, both times it was not her, it was her instructors.", the instructor nodded and shifted her weight onto her other foot.

I clenched my jaw and tried to control my breathing, not wanting to make a scene.

"I just wanted to tell you so you could take appropriate action, how ever you see it fit." the instructor smiled and waited for Demi's response.

I was pissed off and done.

I stood up and grabbed my backpack, yanking the keys for my dorm, out of the front pocket. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked away.

I pushed the doors to the cafeteria open and stormed out of the room. I could hear the sound of arguing behind me and I knew Demi would be looking for me.

I still felt mad and suddenly changed my mind.

I wasn't gonna go to my dorm, I was gonna go out to the little wooded area near the campus.

I took a sharp right and walked past the huge bush that would shield anyone from seeing me. Once past the bush I saw a fence. I sighed and decided to just climb it to get out faster.

As I got to the top I heard my name, I looked over and saw Demi, she looked beyond scared and she tried to run over.

I shook my head and just jumped down, once down I went to the right, there was a dirt road that led to the little woods.

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