chapter 78

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"Ry sit properly please, not on your shoe, your butt belongs against the seat of the chair.", I grumbled and sat down, staring at the front of the room. Lauren leaned over the table and looked at me, giving me a warning glare.

"Watch your attitude unless you want me to tell Demi how you're behaving.", I grabbed my computer and pulled it onto my lap, staring forward and typing the beginning of the slideshow.

Kehlani chuckled a little, pointing at my screen. Half of what I was writing was all misspelled, the red squiggly lines covering most of the screen.

I sighed and went back, fixing all my mistakes.

The instructor walked to the front of the room and began the normal boring stuff, going over the days lesson and letting us quickly write or type what we were learning.

I glanced over at Lauren and saw her typing on her computer, she was going slow, making sure to get everything off the slide.

I turned my chair a little, placing my laptop on the table. I grabbed the little wireless mouse I had and connected them. I snuck another glance at Lauren and saw her still typing, she was writing a little bit as well.

I smiled to myself as I opened up my little game folder, letting out a tiny chuckle as I opened Minecraft.

I took my game and my notes and put them side by side on the screen, making it look like I was entertaining myself and taking notes.

I looked up and noticed we had a new slide, I quickly copied it down and went back to my game, just building a random building.

I felt a sudden flick against my arm, making me look to my right.

Kehlani was smiling and watching what I was doing.

She scribbled out a small message on her notebook, simply asking what I was doing.

I shifted in my seat and moved a little bit closer to her, whispering so Lauren wouldn't notice.

"playing Minecraft.", she nodded and went back to taking her notes. I looked back at the slides and quickly took down the new notes.

I went right back to my game but stopped when I felt another flick on my arm.

I looked over and saw Lauren this time stared daggers into my soul.

She gritted her teeth and pointed at my screen.

"Turn the game off, take your notes. And don't think I'm not gonna tell Demi.", I nodded and saved my game, turning it off and pulled my notes up to fullscreen.

I bounced my leg around and felt a bit upset. Yeah I wasn't supposed to be playing my game but I wasn't doing harm, I was still taking notes.

I took down a little more of the slides but bfore I could finish the bell rang. I shut my laptop right away and tossed it in my bag, slinging my bag over my shoulder and leaving.

I practically ran to my next class, getting in and sitting as far away in the back as I could.

I glanced back at the doors and saw Parker walk in.

He looked around, noticing me right away. He smiled, walking over to me and sitting next to me.

"Hey, what's up? I haven't seen you in class In a while.", I chuckled and nodded, sighing as I leaned back.

"Stuff just...happened I guess. But it's not important, I'm back, that's all that matters.", Parker laughed and shook his head, pulling his backpack off and taking his laptop out.

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