chapter 81

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"Come on, lets go look at what to buy.", Demi slid me off her lap and stood up, carrying the plates with her. She placed them in the sink and rinsed them off, turning back to me once satisfied.

She walked over and wrapped her arms around my waist, picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom. She quickly tossed me on the bed, laughing as I yelped.

I sat up and wrapped the blanket around myself, pouting and crossing my arms.

"Not funny!", Demi pouted back at me and got on the bed, pulling me towards her body.

"I'm sorry baby, I thought it was a little bit funny.", She smiled and shook her hand in my hair, making it all messy. 

Demi got up an grabbed her phone, getting back in the bed and scooting towards me, she pulled me over and wrapped her arm around my waist. I watched as she went to amazon and searched for the onesie I asked for.

She clicked on the first one and showed me.

"Yeah! That one! It's cute!", Demi laughed and nodded, adding it to her cart.

"Let me find other things that you could use, I'll just show and ask you for colors and stuff.", I nodded and wiggled from her arms, turning a little and laying down.

Demi smiled and moved back, putting a pillow in her lap, I laid my head on the pillow and let the blanket around my body just stay on the bed.

Demi watched me and smirked as she saw the blanket come off of my body. She reached down and ran her hand along my chest and stomach, smiling as I held her hand against my body.

"Hey, let me look for just a minute and then I'll do whatever you like.", I nodded eagerly and let go of her hand.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and played with the edges of the blanket.

I glanced up and saw Demi looking over her phone at my body.

She kept staring and ignoring her phone which made me smile a little.

I giggled as I sat up, she looked at me and watched as I sat up. I gently grabbed her phone and turned it off, placing it on the nightstand behind us.

Demi smirked and wrapped her arms around my waist, smiling as I sat back and moved to lean against her.

"What are you doing baby?", I giggled and pulled her hands down my body.

She smiled and quickly pushed her hand farther down, she pulled me closer and pushed my legs apart, a smirk on her face the entire time.

I let out a whimper as she dragged her nails across my skin.

Demi chuckled and gently ran her finger tips along my inner thigh, skipping over where I wanted and needed her the most.

"Demi please...", I reached up and grabbed her hand, pulling it between my legs and pushing up against it.

She chuckled and kept her hand still, just letting me grind and rub against her palm.

"Such a messy girl.", she pulled her hand away and quickly flipped me over, laying me face down on the bed.

I let out a whimper and sat up, turning back around and crawling towards Demi. A sudden urge of just plain neediness hitting me.

Demi let out a low chuckle and pulled me closer, as if she could sense how I felt.

She turned around, pulling me in to her lap. She scooted back on the bed, leaning over and grabbing her strap out from the drawer. She leaned against the pillows as she pushed my legs apart.

I let out a gasp as she pressed the strap against me, she chuckled as I held onto her arm.

"You're so needy huh? You want my help?", I whimpered and nodded, wiggling in her lap.

She quickly pushed the strap into me, smiling as I gasped. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I gripped onto the sheets and let out a moan, Demi chuckled and let go of the strap, just letting it sit inside me.

Demi pulled my up a little and kissed my cheek, she rested her chin on my shoulder and let her hands roam my body.

"Look at you baby, taking the strap so well.", She moved her hands down and gave me a quick spank. She chuckled as my body tensed, a moan escaping my mouth as she did. "You're so pretty baby, the way your body clenches around the strap.".

I let out a whimper, opening my eyes and looking up at her.

"Want me to put it on?", I nodded feverishly, let out a quiet moan as she pulled it out.

Demi got up and quickly undressed, she pulled the strap on, stepping inside the harness and making sure it was on her.

I laid back and wiggled against the bed, pushing my hips down into the mattress.

Demi got back on the bed and pushed my legs up towards my chest.

She quickly lined up and pushed in, letting out a chuckle as I moaned.

I reached up and grabbed her hands, pulling her down and wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

Demi placed her hands on either side of my head, leaning down and pressing her lips along my neck. She started just kissing my neck but quickly started to leave hickeys along my skin.

I let out a moan as she went fast, pushing her hips down and quickly pulling back.

"D-emi!", I gripped onto her shoulders, my nails digging into her skin a little.

"Shhhh, I got you baby.", She straightened up and grabbed my hips, pulling me and pushing me as she fucked me.

I reached over and grabbed her hands, resting mine on top of hers. She smiled and let go of my hips, she quickly grabbed both of my wrists and pushed them above my head, pinning them above me.

I let out a loud moan as I felt myself getting closer.

"DEMI PLEASE, PLEASE LET ME CUM!", she chuckled and leaned down, kissing along my jaw. She moved up and kissed my lips, smiling as I gasped.

She quickly pulled away and let go of my wrists, grabbing my hips and quickly pounding into me.

I let out a tiny whine as she slowed down, her hands still on my hips as she stopped.

My eyes closed a little and I reached up for her.

She chuckled and pulled out, laying  herself behind me.

I whined as she pushed one of my legs up and pushed her strap back in. She wrapped her arm around my waist and kissed along my face.

"Just stay still baby, keep it warm baby.", I whimpered and nodded, letting out a sigh as my body relaxed.

Demi pulled me closer and held on tighter to me.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too."

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