chapter 65

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I snuggled into Demi, tracing shapes over her arm. She was holding me against her body, both of us still nude.

I sighed and laid my head on her chest, the warmth of her skin making me smile.

She chuckled, patting my butt a little.

I glanced over at her desk and saw the strap on, I realized Demi hadn't gotten anything out of fucking me.

I tapped her arm, she looked down at me and smiled.

"I just realized that you didn't get anything out of what we were doing. If you want I can wear the strap on for you.", Demi chuckled, squeezing me and kissing my head.

"Do you wanna wear it?", My face heated up but I nodded. Demi smiled and leaned forward a little. She grabbed it off her desk and grabbed a wipe from her desk drawer. She wiped it off and tossed the wipe I to the trashcan.

"Up.", I got up and stood beside her desk, she took the harness and unbuckled it. She held it out and waited for me to step into it.

I stepped in and let her buckle it up. Once it was on Demi sat back, smirking as she stared at me.

I bit my lip a little, getting anxious about what she was thinking.

"Fuck it, lay on my desk, the long way.", I nodded and hoped onto her desk, laying down like she said. Demi stood up and got onto the desk as well, hovering over me.

As she hovered over me her eyes darkened as she lowered herself.

"Ooohhh fuck...yes.....", Demi leaned forward, laying her hands on my chest.

I laid my hands on her thighs, running them up a little. Her eyes rolled back, as she started to ride the strap on. Her mouth hanging open with small gasps coming out.

I could feel myself getting even more wet, gently bucking my hips up to meet her half way.

Demi's eyes shot open and her mouth hung open even more.

"B-ABY!", She sat back a little and slowed down. She pulled me up so I was sitting up. I wrapped my arms around her waist, she held onto my shoulders as well.

I pulled her closer but let go a little. She moaned, pushing her head into my shoulder.

"Oohh fuck....babyyyy!", She whined, of all people, she whined.

I placed my hands on her hips, trying my best to hold her in place. She struggled a little, moaning as she did.

Demi grabbed my face and held my cheeks, I swear I saw a desperate look in her eye as she sat. "Baby, please, let me ride you, I need toooo!" I stuttered a little, taken back by her begging.

I let go of her hips, she sped right back up and rode until she came.

Her eyes rolled back and her body shook in my arms.

I waited, letting her come down from her high. She rested her forehead against my shoulder and sighed.

Demi looked up and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close and kissing me.

As she kissed me I felt her rolling her hips down, slowly making herself ride the strap on again.

I just let my hands hover on her hips, every time she moved my hands went up and down her thighs.

For some reason just touching her felt amazing, it made me get all tingly and happy.

She pulled away, a smile on her face as she did.

"Thank you soooo much baby. I needed that.", I giggled and pulled her in for a hug, missing her cheek a little.

"I can tell that you did.", Demi chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"But for real though, thank you, I needed that.", I nodded and pushed my face into her shoulder.

We stayed like that for a minute, just chilling in her desk and holding each other.

As we sat the bell that dismissed the classes rang, I groaned and kept my head on her shoulder.

Demi chuckled, kissing my head and sitting up.

"Yeah, I don't think you're going to class.", I smiled and hugged her tight.

"What are we gonna do though?"

Demi pulled back and smiled, placing her hands on my thighs and squeezing.

"Well I don't have any work and I've been thinking lately that you need to be trained a little. So, if you're up for it we might do a little training.", I nodded, feeling myself get a little bit turned on.

The idea of her just...having control over what I do

Demi got up, the strap on sliding out of her. I smiled as she got off of the desk, her legs wobbling a little as she stood.

She stretched her legs a little and shook them, standing straight up as she pulled her clothes on. I stayed on the desk, my legs hanging over the edge as I waited.

Once she was dressed she turned to me, pulling me off the desk. I stood and waited as she unbuckled the harness and let it slide off of me.

I stepped out of it and sat back on the desk, grabbed my clothes as I did. I pulled my underwear and pants back on, my bra I just left off. My shirt I buttoned and sorta tucked in.

Demi smiled and took my bra, folding it and putting it in her purse.

"Put your shoes on, we're going to my room.", I nodded and did as she said.

Demi grabbed all her stuff and waited for me to get mine. Once I had mine she led me to the door and unlocked it, walking out and locking it again.

I walked happily alongside Demi, holding onto her sleeve as we went. As we left the building I saw my next instructor standing by the doors of her classroom. She happened the glance over and saw me and Demi.

She smiled and gave me a thumbs up, giving a very calm look.

I looked up at Demi and saw her looking straight ahead, she looked determined and ready to train me.

I tugged on her sleeve and got her attention. "Am I gonna get like... punished or rewards depending on how well I do?"

Demi looked back at the path but spoke.

"Let's not talk about this outside, I'll explain once were inside."

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