chapter 13

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"Mistressss pleaseeee!" I sat next to her chair and looked up. I had been begging for an hour now for my phone back but she wasn't budging.

I huffed and started to get all whiny.

"I just want my phoneeeee!" I laid back on the ground and got ready for a tantrum.

Demi turned around slowly and just glared down at me. "Last time I checked you were not a little child. Stop acting like one and accept the fact that I have your phone. I'm making sure you are not fooling around with other people who I do not know of." I whined and stomped my feet a little.

This all started after she had kissed me.

After she had kissed me and we finished the lunch from the dining hall, she asked for my phone. I hesitantly handed it to her but she told me to put in my pin.

She had thanked me and made me sit on the ground, telling me she was looking through to make sure there wasn't any fun business going on.

I don't have anything to hide its just that I have pictures of myself that I took, inappropriate ones. I never sent them to anyone I just took them for myself.

I knelled and attempted to grab my phone from her once she opened the photos.

She slapped my hand away and placed my phone face down on her desk.

She leaned down and spoke through clenched teeth, pointing her finger at me the whole time.

"I will not tell you again to stop it. If you whine one more time or try to grab the phone again a I will bend you over this desk and punish you until your ass is bright red and you are in tears. Am. I . Understood?" I whimpered and shook my head.

I wanted my phone back.

"Unless you have something to hide you shouldn't be in a panic of me being on it." I whined and flopped back, accepting my fate.

She picked my phone back up and scrolled through my photos, then she stopped.

I could feel her eyes staring at me which made my whole body feel warm.

I heard her let out a chuckle which made me feel embarrassed knowing she saw the pictures.

"So this is why you didn't want me going through your phone. You had some pictures you wanted to hide. So cute, that fit inside you so snug like." I groaned and turned onto my stomach.

Demi laughed and pulled my ankles.

I looked back and saw her patting her lap.

"Sit, lets go through these together." I shook my head and tried to act angry. Didn't work, I looked like an angry cat.

I slowly got up and sat in her lap, she wrapped her left arm around my waist and used her right arm and hand to scroll.

Demi leaned back and made me lean against her body, she tapped on the first picture and chuckled when I hid my face in her neck.

She kept scrolling and looking through them, making small comments on them.

"Awww, I'm surprised that fit, it looks too big for you." I blushed even harder and knew I should of never taken them.

"Demiiiiiii!!!" I let out a small sigh and pushed my face over her shoulder.

"Awwww is someone embarrassed?" I nodded and looked back, she was still going through the pictures, stopping every once and a while and zooming in.

Eventually she stopped and got out of the photos app, turning my phone off and placing it face down on her desk.

She used both hands to turn me so my head was near her right arm.

She cradled me like a baby and gave gentle pats to my butt.

"I'm sorry I got you all flustered. Cute pictures though." I looked up a little and shook my head.

She chuckled and sat me up. She slid back in her seat and moved her legs so I was sitting between them. I crossed my arms and rested them on the desk, putting my head on them and relaxing.

Demi ran her hands along my sides and rested them on my hips.

I looked back and saw that my ass was basically pushed up against her. I went to sit up but she quickly placed her hand on my upper back and held me in place.

I laid my head back down and just sat there.

I could feel Demi rubbing my hips and gently pulling them and pushing them. I chuckled when she started to struggle.

I sat up and tilted my head back, Demi moved her head back and smiled at me. I let out a yawn and curled into her arms.

"Tired?" I nodded and held onto her.

"I forgot to tell you that starting tomorrow you will be having two more classes." I looked up and pouted.

"Are they going to be one right after each other?" she nodded and pushed my hair from my eyes.

I let out a long groan and just closed my eyes.

I stood up which caught Demi off guard.

I picked up my phone and saw that it was only 12.

I grumbled and just laid on the floor, surprisingly it was comfy.

Demi stood up and walked over, her heels making it seem scarier.

"You foot wear makes me scared." Demi looked down and seemed confused. "The 'click clack' makes me scared." she chuckled and moved back, sitting on the edge of her desk. She moved her feet and tapped her shoes on the ground as if she was walking.

I whimpered even though she wasn't standing up.

"I am feeling bored." Demi stood up and laughed. "Why are you talking weird all of a sudden?" I shrugged and sat up. I watched as Demi thought for a second.

"I could give you something." I titled my head and just scooted closer.

"I could make your reward from this morning happen again...only this time it will last longer." my body got all tingly and my face got red. I nodded my head and just sat and waited for her to tell me what to do.

She got up and held out her hand, I took it and stood up. She brought me over to her chair and pushed me back so I was sitting on it. She bent down and pushed a lever, the chair went high up so that the seat was above the top of her desk.

She turned and got something from in her desk drawer.

"Take you pants and underwear off now." I did as instructed, fumbling to get my underwear off.

She turned around after fixing her dress pants. Her eyes were darker and she seemed ready.

Demi leaned down and held my chin with her hand.

"The safe word is red, I want to hear you moan my name and if you want more or faster you will beg. And you will take every inch like my good girl. Understand?" I nodded but corrected myself very quick.

"Yes Mistress."

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