chapter 37

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"Jeez, you got that stuff packed fast.", I chuckled and nodded, zipping up my bag.

"It's gonna suck sleeping by myself every night.", I looked up and saw Demi nod. She came over and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I leaned against her and just let myself be hugged.

"You still have a punishment by the way.", I groaned and stomped my feet a little.

Demi reached down and gave my butt a firm spank.

"Don't start with me baby. Now come on, lets get this over with. Maybe if you behave and don't fight it, you'll get a treat.", I looked up and perked up a little. The idea of a 'treat' sounded fun.

Demi grabbed my hand and brought me to her room.

"Strip fully and lay on the bed on your stomach.", I whined and pouted some more.

"Demiii-", Demi glared as she stepped closer to me.

"What did I just tell you?", I stuck out my bottom lip even more and crossed my arms over my chest.

I stuck out my tongue and backed up.

Demi grabbed my arms and pulled me up against her body.

"Listen to me right now. You, little one, are not gonna act like a brat. I will add ten more spanks for every time you don't listen or do something I don't want you to do. Am I understood?",  grumbled and wiggled from her grip.

I went over and jumped on the bed, laying on my stomach, still clothed.

I heard Demi growl a little as she walked closer.

I moved my head and looked behind me, I saw Demi walk to her drawers and then turn around.

She had a belt in her hands.

My eyes went wide and I scurried into a sitting position.

Demi gave me a little smile and looked me up and down.

I looked down at myself and realized I was still clothed. I scrambled to get undressed, doing it in record time.

Demi chuckled and smirked, she tossed the belt on the floor, kicking it out of the way.

I knelled on the bed, making it so my legs were spread.

Demi smiled as she realized how I was sitting, her smile growing more when she ran her hand along my body.

"Now, I know I never mentioned training and how to talk to other doms, but I realized it's important.", I looked up and nodded, scared to say something.

"Your training is your punishment. Every time you do something wrong or disobey me, you get punished however I see fit.", I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

Demi got onto the bed, her regular black skirt and white blouse still on.

"First things first. From now on, when you are near anyone that is a dom or instructor you answer questions with either 'yes mistress or no mistress'. If it's a male instructor it changes to 'yes sir or no sir'. Understand?", I nodded and stared at the sheets on the bed.

Demi grabbed my chin and tilted my head up.

"I asked if you understood.", I stuttered for a moment, the look in her eyes made my body get warm, "y-yes mistress...I understand.".

Demi smiled and lean forward, kissing my forehead. "Good girl, turn around for me.", I nodded and turned so my back was to her.

The bed shifted and Demi placed her hands on my thighs, her body pressed against mine.

I went to look back but Demi grabbed my chin and made me look at the bed. She knelled above me and brought her hands along my thighs.

She brushed her finger tips along my body, making sure to linger in certain places.

I whined and trembled as she ran her hands along the inner part of my thighs, she pulled my legs farther apart and leaned over my shoulder

Demi let out a sigh and a quiet tsk.

I whined and grabbed her hands, bringing them down to where I needed her the most.

Demi chuckled and got right next to my ear. I could feel her breath on my neck, I scrunched up a little but waited for her to speak.

"Such a dirty girl...", she spoke in a whisper as she moved her hands back up my thighs and up my chest.

My body shook a little which made her stop for a moment.

"Now, I want you to remember this. When I tell you to do something, like strip or kneel. You do it, no questions asked. Your safe word is simply red. Understand?", I nodded again but realized my mistake to late.

Demi's right hand made it's way up and she gently gripped my throat. She made me look up at the ceiling as she held onto me.

"I think you need a lesson in using your words.", I shivered and whined, bringing my hand up and loosening her fingers from my throat.

Demi slowly let go of my throat and turned me around.

She stood up and walked to the right side of the bed.

She patted the side of the bed and waited.

I crawled over and knelled, staring at the floor.

Demi tilted my head up and stared at me for a moment.

"I'll start off easy. Who am I?", I blushed a little and went to look down. I couldn't though, she was holding up my head and she as waiting for an answer.

"M-Mistress Lovato....", Demi smiled and nodded, leaning and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Correct, but for you it's only Mistress.", I gave a quick nod as she went on.

"When I ask you a yes or no question how will you answer?", every time she spoke I got the chills.

"I answer yes Mistress or no Mistress....I think...", I mumbled out the last part, scared to be incorrect.

Demi nodded and kissed my cheek again.

"You're correct baby, no need to doubt yourself.", I went to nod but ended up yawning instead.

Demi laughed a little and gave me another quick kiss.

"I'll quicken this up so you can go to your dorm and sleep.", I yawned again, nodding my head.

Demi cleared her throat when she saw my eyes closing a little.

"Last question baby.", I mumbled and nodded.

For a moment she didn't say anything, I looked up and assumed I was in trouble. Instead Demi was smiling at me, a smirk slowly working its way onto her face.

"Who's in charge?"

"You Mistress."

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