chapter 49

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"Oh...I...oh." Demi nodded and stared straight ahead.

I looked ahead and just focused on the road, not wanting to bring up something that she was not okay with.

We sat in silence as she drove. I didn't want to piss her off or get her upset.

Eventually she pulled up to the parking garage at campus. She drove up and the security guard let her past. She parked in her spot and turned off the car.

She sighed and opened her door, stepping out and closing it. I quickly did the same and waited behind the car.

She grabbed the food from the back and closed the door again, locking the car and turning towards me.

"Come on, to my office.", I nodded and quietly followed her.

She was a little bit ahead of me but realized quickly that I wasn't right next to her. She stopped in her tracks and turned to me, waiting for me to catch up.

She held out her hand and waited.

I walked faster and grabbed her hand, she smiled and started to walk again.

The campus was silent and bare. No one was out, no one was even sneaking out.

We walked across the paths and got to her building that had her office. I opened the door and let her through first, she chuckled and walked through.

I ran through and walked beside her.

We got up to her floor and walked down the hallway. As we walked we noticed light coming from the end of the hall.

Her office was at the end.

I took the bag from her hand and let go of her other hand. She already looked pissed off which wasn't a good sign.

"I swear to God....", She mumbled.

I stayed back and waited for her to check.

As we got near her door we saw the it was opened.

Demi stormed over and into her office, her hands clenched into fists.

I stayed back but still walked over. I peaked around the open door and saw that her room was trashed.

My mouth hung open and I could see Demi standing in front of her desk.

I walked over slowly and carefully placed the bag of food on the floor. I stood next to Demi.

She was leaned over her desk and had her head facing down. She was taking deep breaths and trying to compose herself.

I slowly moved my hand and placed it on her back. She sighed and moved her head up to face me.

"I am beyond pissed...I don't want to blow up, so we are going to my dorm. I'm going to hug you and hold you to calm myself.", I nodded and backed off.

She sighed and stood up, pulling her keys out and turning to me.

I went to grab the food but I remembered my bag.

"Can I get my bag from your desk?", Demi's eyes went wide and she walked around her desk. She unlocked the drawer and sighed.

"It's fine. Drawer was still locked and everything is in the same place.", I nodded and walked over.

I pulled my backpack on and grabbed my binder.

I went back and grabbed the food, just barely holding it with my other hand.

Demi grabbed my food from my hand and put her other hand behind my bag. She walked forward, leading me out of her office.

She stopped outside the door way and closed the door, locking it. The locked clearly didn't work but she did it anyways.

She turned to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

We walked down the hall and outside. The trip to her dorm took seconds this time. Demi obviously wanted to get away from her office and I understood why.

We got to her dorm building and walked in. We got to her dorm and she u looked the door. We stepped in, I placed my bag on the chair in front of the counter. I put my binder behind my bag.

Demi placed the food on the counter and put stuff next to it.

She came over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

She placed her chin on my shoulder, gently kissing my cheek.

"Jump for me.", I looked up as she stood straight. She tapped my butt and was ready to catch me when I jumped.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and did as she said. She caught me and held onto my thighs.

I leaned forward and laid my head on her chest, letting her hold me and calm down.

"You wanna eat in the living room or bedroom?",I pointed to the hallway.

She smiled walked to the counter where the food was placed. "Grab the food for me.".

I grabbed the bag and placed it between myself and her chest.

She walked through the hallway and into her room. She turned the lights on with her shoulder and walked to her bed. She placed me on the bed slowly, making sure to not make the bag of food fall.

I sat on the bed and crossed my legs, waiting for Demi to sit next to me.

She turned around and undid the buttons on her shirt. She slipped it off and walked over to her drawers.

I sat and watched as she got undressed and put more comfortable clothes on. She turned around and smirked at me.

"Like what you see?", I nodded and flopped backwards on the bed.

Demi chuckled and came over. She had on plain sweatpants and a white T-shirt. Both of which were baggy.

Demi got on the bed, knelling and moving over and past me. She grabbed the bag of food and sat behind me.

"Come on. Come lay here.", I flipped onto my stomach and wiggled my way up to the pillows.

Demi chuckled and playfully Spanked my ass. I let out and squeak and hid my face in the comforter.

"You shy now?", I giggled and wiggled til I was under the comforter. Demi pulled the comforter up and got under it.

I peaked my head out from under the comforter. Demi looked over at me and smiled. She brought her hand over and ran her fingers through my hair.

"So cute.", I whined and pushed my face into the pillow.

Demi chuckled and rubbed my back. I looked up and saw her open the bag. I sat up and waited eagerly to eat.

Demi leaned over and kissed my head.

"Enough fooling around. Let's eat."

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