chapter 88

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"Hey, I know you brought your laptop to keep you entertained, but I could use you're help with some filing." I placed my bag on the floor behind Demi's desk and sat on the edge of the desk.

"Okay, like putting shit in a filing cabinet or putting them in a pile for you?" Demi chuckled and crossed her arms, standing in front of me.

"First of all watch your mouth. As sexy as it is to here you swear sometimes, I want you to cut down on it. Save it for when I fuck you." My face went red and I tilted my head down while smiling.

Demi chuckled and sat in her chair, rolling it in front of me.

"Don't hide your smile. I think it's cute when you blush." She tilted her head down and looked at me. I started blushing even harder and tilted my head up towards the ceiling.

Demi laughed and pulled me off of the desk and into her lap.

I chuckled and laid my head on her shoulder, lazily wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

Demi pushed her head down and kissed my cheek, smiling as she did.

"Come on sweetheart, let me see your pretty little face." I whined and pushed my face deeper into her shoulder.

Demi chuckled and rubbed my back, slowing snaking her arms around em and hugging me after.

I sighed and looked up at her desk. Demi kissed my head and sighed as well.

"Alright, I got work to do and I would really appreciate it if you helped me with that filing." I nodded and stretched a little.

"Can I go to the bathroom first?", Demi nodded and wheeled her chair around, grabbing her laptop and a stack of papers.

I quickly walked out of the office and to the bathroom. I checked my pad and saw just a little blood. I sighed and shook my head. I quickly finished up and washed my hands before leaving.

As I walked into Demi's office I saw the chair that was normally in front of her desk, was at the side. She had two dividers on the desk, the stack of papers at the top of them.

I closed the office door and walked over, sitting in the chair. Demi looked up from her laptop and smiled.

"Alright, pile on the left, stuff that needs to be signed and mailed out, pile on the right, stuff that needs to be put on record. When we go to leave today I'll show you where the room with all the records go. Sound good?" I nodded and picked up the paper on top.

"I'm assuming the stuff that is going on record has your signature already?" Demi nodded and picked up the second paper, pointing to the bottom right corner.

I nodded and placed the first paper on the left, taking the second one from her hand and placing it on the right.

Demi smiled and shook her head. She sat back and pulled her chair more towards her desk. Demi sighed and reached to the side, opening a drawer and pulling out a pair of glasses, quickly putting them on her face.

Within seconds she was focused and typing away on her laptop.

I started going through the papers, sorting them and just readjusting the piles to look better.

The original stack of papers was quick big but as I went through and checked for demi signature, it became obvious most hadn't been signed.

I glanced up and saw Demi typing away furiously, very focused on her work. I smiled and continued sorting. It was definitely gonna take a bit of time to get through the stack.


I went to grab the last few papers, as I picked them up and ran my hand along to get the corner, I got a paper cut.

"Shit." I pressed my finger against my leg to stop the small amount of blood.

Demi looked over and quickly realized what happened.

"Are you okay?", She reached over and grabbed my hand, pulling towards her.

"I'm fine, small paper cut." Demi sighed and reached into one of her drawers, pulling out a bandaid. She quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped my finger off, applying the bandaid on.

She kissed my hand and tossed the tissue and wrapper in the trash can besides the desk.

Demi sighed and leaned back, stretching a bit.

"You all done filing?", I quickly looked through the last few papers and placed them in the correct piles.

"Now I am." Demi chuckled and nodded. She picked up the signed papers and put a pink binder clip around them. She placed them done and did the same with the unsigned papers, except the clip was green.

She quickly typed something on her laptop and then shut it, placing it back in her desk.

She turned towards me and smiled, opening her arms and leaning back.

I got up and quickly sat in her lap, leaning against her.

Demi wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me as close as possible.

She tested her chin on my shoulder and smiled a little.

"I know we can't do a lot right now, but I'm telling you right now, once your period stops, I'm gonna make you scream.", My face went bright red and I leaned my head back.

Demi chuckled and kissed my neck, her hands slowing squeezing my thighs.

"Don't tease me please, it isn't fair." She laughed and ran her hand between my legs, pushing them apart.

"Might not be fair to you but I know I'm getting a kick out of this." I whined and placed my hand over hers, pulling it back and holding it.

"Can I at least tell you what I'm gonna do?", I shook my head and wiggled a little, turning myself to the side.

"Still not fair, then I'll be turned on but unable to do anything.", Demi sighed and nodded, leaning her head back.

She stared up at the ceiling, closing her eyes and smiling.

We both stayed silent, Demi however but her lip.

"What are you doing?", She opened her eyes and looked at me, her face a tiny bit red.

"Just imagining what I'm gonna do. How I'm gonna make you feel good." I whined and shook my head, gently grabbing Demi's face and kissing her.

She smiled as we kissed and her smile grew as I pulled away.

"I'd be lying if I say I was turned on right now." I rolled my eyes and leaned back.

Demi giggled and kissed my face and then my neck.

"How about I go show you where the records go?"

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