chapter 84

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"Damn its bright out today.", I chuckled and nodded, squinting as the sun hit my face.

We slowly made our way over to the parking garage, waiting for Lauren and Kehlani to get outside. 

"RY!", I peeked around Demi and saw Kehlani wave at us. I smiled and waved back at her. Demi chuckled and gently guided me around to her other side so that Kehlani could run over.

Lauren and Kehlani quickly made their way over, smiles on both of their faces. 

"Good morning to you two.", Lauren smiled and hugged Demi, quickly hugging me as well.

Kehlani smiled and gave me a hug, I tensed up a little which made her let go quick.

She looked at me concerned, trying to figure out if she did something wrong.

"Are you alright?", I nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Demi placed her hands on my shoulder and faced both of them.

"She woke up with it being that time of the month, she's got cramps but still wanted to come out and go places.", Lauren chuckled and nodded. Kehlani moved back and smiled, reaching over and holding Laurens hand.

"I hope you feel better soon Ry." Kehlani looked up at Lauren and quickly whispered something into her ear. Lauren looked down at Kehlani and shrugged, motioning to Demi and me.

"Ask Demi.", Kehlani nodded and quickly walked beside Demi, whispering something to her as well.

Demi chuckled and I looked back and watched her nod.

Kehlani smiled and walked back over to Lauren and grabbed her hand.

Demi cleared her throat, making all of us look at her.

"Alright, lets get going."

We all walked along to the parking garage, no one else seemed to be out which was nice.

We quickly made our way to Demi's car, she unlocked it and got in.

Lauren and Kehlani got in the back, I quickly got in the front and sat down, buckling up and waiting for Demi to go.

Demi glanced over at me and smiled, starting the car and quickly backing out of the parking space and out of the parking garage.

She placed her right hand on my thigh and kept her eyes on the road.

"You guys want anything to eat before we go anywhere?", She glanced at the rear view mirror and waited for a response.

"Nope, we ate right after we woke up.", I looked at the mirror and saw Lauren smile and look at Kehlani.

Demi chuckled and nodded, focusing back on the road.

"Alrighty then, lets go shopping then."


"I have to pee so bad right now.", Kehlani chuckled at Lauren as we parked.

Demi found a spot and parked, grabbing her stuff and turning around.

"Ok, lets get inside so Lauren can piss and so we can go buy cute stuff.", I smiled and opened my door, stepping out and walking over to Demi's side.

Lauren and Kehlani got out, Kehlani quickly grabbing Laurens hand.

We all walked to the entrance and quickly went in, Lauren quickly running to the bathroom with Kehlani right behind her.

Demi chuckled and pulled me with her to a bench.

She sat down, gently tugging my hand so I'd sit with her.

I sat, leaning my head against her arm.

"How you feeling so far?", I looked up and shrugged a little.

"The Aleve kicked in I guess, now I'm just waiting to need the bathroom.", Demi chuckled and pulled me close, smiling and waiting for Lauren.

"You wanna see if we can go find you some skirts now or do you wanna wait till about halfway?", I pushed my head into her arm, sighing and closing my eyes.

"It really doesn't matter to me.", Demi chuckled and nodded.

"alright, well maybe we can try and find a skirt from all the stores we go to.", We both looked up as Lauren and Kehlani walked out of the bathroom, Lauren looked relieved and walked over to us.

"Alright, ready to go now?", Lauren chuckled and nodded, turning and holding out her hand to Kehlani.

Demi stood up and held out her hand for me, I quickly took it and stood up as well.

"Where to first?", Lauren and Kehlani looked around for a moment before both pointing at H&M.

"Okay, y'all lead the way.", Kehlani laughed and dragged Lauren along. 

Me and Demi walked slowly behind, I looked around the stores around us and just watched as people walked in and out. I looked forward right as we turned into H&M.

Lauren and Kehlani went right towards the dresses and started looking at things.

I looked up at Demi and saw her smile, she slowly lead me over to the skirts and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"So I can pick whatever I want for you to wear, hmm?", I blushed and nodded, hiding my face in my hands.

Demi laughed and pulled my hands away, kissing me and then looking up at the skirts.

She stared for a moment before pointing to a plain black skirt. 

"I can see you wearing that. Simple and cute.", I nodded and pushed back into her.

She looked around a second before pointing to a plain white and plain pink skirt.

"I think these three would suit you so well.", I looked up and smiled, my face heating up.

"That it for here?", she pursed her lips together then smiled, nodding and letting go of me.

I quickly rummaged through the hangers and found the skirts and got them in a  medium like size. I turned back to Demi and saw her smiling wide.

She chuckled and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me and pressed a kiss to my neck.

"You're gonna look so pretty in them baby, I'm glad you asked to look.", I looked down at my shoes and hid my face, feeling shy and kinda scared.

She chuckled and took the skirts from my hand and lead me over to where Kehlani and Lauren were. They both looked up and paused for a moment when they saw the skirts.

I saw them look at Demi and then give small nods.

"Found what you girls want?", Lauren nodded and held up a couple plain dresses. One was baby blue and the other one was a light purple.

"Ok that it for you guys or do you wanna look around a little more in here?", Lauren shook her head and so did Kehlani.

We quickly checked out, Demi insisting on paying for everything.

As we walked out of the store we wandered for a moment. 

"Ok, now where would y'all like to go?", Kehlani stopped right away and pointed to Hot Topic. Lauren chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"She saw an ad like a week ago for some sort of shoes here.", Demi laughed and nodded, letting Kehlani lead us.

As we walked into the store I got a chill, I shivered a little which made Demi look down at me.

She wrapped her arm around my and pulled me closer.

"Come on, I think we can find a few more skirts here, we'll stop with them after this.", I nodded and held onto her arm.

She quickly lead me over to wear the skirts were and smiled.

"Damn, they got some cute one here.", I giggled and leaned back against her.

She scanned the little shelves for a moment before pointing to a black skirt with white lines going across the bottom, she picked up one in a medium and turned back to me, holding it up to me.

She smiled and nodded and slung it over her arm.

Demi turned back to the shelve and looked over the rest of the skirts.

"Hmmm...", I leaned my head against her back and fiddled with a small thread on my shirt.

Demi quickly leaned forward and grabbed two more skirts. I stood back up and looked.

She picked a small plaid one with little straps hanging on the side and one that was just a black and white plaid.

She turned to me and had a huge smile on her face.

"I think these are all perfect.", I nodded and turned around, looking for Kehlani and Lauren.

I saw them by where the shoes were and we went over to them.

"You guys find the shoes?", Lauren nodded and held them up, Kehlani smiling wide the whole time.

"Lets get checked out.", Lauren and Kehlani nodded and we all hurried to the checkout line.

Demi paid for everything and we left, we walked along the paths in the building and stopped a couple of times to rest.

"I'm hungry.", Lauren chuckled and pulled Kehlani close.

"Okay I think that's cue to head back.", Demi turned to me and gave a soft smile, holding out her hand and pulling me close.

"Wait!", Kehlani stopped for a moment and looked between Lauren and Demi.

"Remember?", Lauren looked confused before quickly snapping her fingers.

Demi smiled and brought me along, leading me to a little build a bear place.

"Kehlani wanted to see if you getting a build a bear would make you feel happier.", I giggled and nodded.

Demi brought me over and and I quickly chose what I wanted. 

Demi was looking around and noticed that there was a thing to put a message in.

"How about I get you one with a message from me?", I smiled and nodded. She laughed and asked for one of the things.

She looked down at me and quickly grabbed my hands and placed them over my ears.

I looked down at my shoes and waited. She pulled my hands away and smiled.

The person running the machine finished it quickly and handed it to Demi, she turned around and handed it to me.

I held it against my chest and quickly held onto Demi's hand.

"Alright, now lets find Lauren and Kehlani and then we can go."

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