chapter 91

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Demi pressed her body against mine, holding herself up with her elbows.

She leaned down and pressed her lips against my neck, chuckling as my body got chills.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, I gently grabbed a little bit of her hair as she started to kiss and suck on my neck.

I let out a quiet gasp as she pushed her knee between my legs. I could feel her smile against my neck as I started to grind against her thigh.

I closed my eyes and let out a moan as she moved along my neck.

Demi pulled away for a moment, making me open my eyes and whine.

"Demi please, more", she chuckled as she moved down towards my thighs.

I whimpered as she ran her nails along my thighs, watching as she got herself comfortable.

"Am I allowed to do anything else while I'm down here babygirl?", I nodded rapidly as she smiled up at me.

"You have to use your words baby. What else am I allowed to do?", my cheeks grew hot and I for a moment lost what I wanted to say.

"Y-you can eat me out...", Demi smiled wide and nodded, wrapping her arms around my thighs.

"Anything for my girl.", She laid herself down, her head disappearing under my skirt.

Demi was quick to press her mouth against my thighs, making my gasp at the feeling.

She gently ran her nails along my hips, making me move my legs apart even more.

As I moved my thighs, she quickly pulled them back, closer to her head. She held my legs in places as she moved onto my other thigh, she gently bit down and pressed her tongue against my skin.

I could feel myself getting more and more needy as the minutes passed.

"Demi, please...", she kept her head under my skirt and trailed her lips along the underside of my thighs, each hickey she made making my thighs ache. The ache felt good though, each one pulsing as she moved onto another one.

She stopped for a moment and brought her head up from under the skirt, her eyes filled with lust.

"This what you wanted babygirl?", I nodded and reached down gently grabbing her face. She smiled and kissed my hand, moving back under the skirt.

Demi pulled my thighs farther apart, I could feel her breath against my legs.

She placed one of her hands against my center and pushed one of her fingers in, making me let out a moan.

She was quick to press her tongue against me, making me throw my head back. I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing as she added another finger.

"Mistress please!", I reached down and pulled the hem of the skirt up, looking down and meeting Demi's eyes.

"Fuck...", she squinted her eyes and started to quicken her pace.

I grabbed her free hand and held onto her, my other hand tangling in her hair.

"Oh my god, please, please let me come.", I fought my eyes as they tried to close. Looking down at Demi and seeing her nod.

She went faster, squeezing my hand and humming against me.

I let out a moan as I came, my body shaking against her. I slowly let go of her hair and closed my eyes.

Demi pulled her fingers out and the bed moved a little bit. I opened my eyes to her hovering over me. I whined and reached up, pulling her against me.

I felt breathless as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me up into her lap.

I leaned my head against her chest and closed my eyes, trying to calm down.

"You did so good baby. You did amazing telling me what to do.", I blushed and pushed my face farther into her chest.

She rubbed my back, humming as she gently rocked from side to side to side.

"Do you want to go take a shower or relax in the bath?", I looked up, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Can we like rinse off in the shower and then take a bath?", Demi smiled, nodding her head. She leaned down, pressing her lips to mine.

She pulled away, gently sliding me off her lap in the process.

I stood up, grabbing her arm and holding onto her. She chuckled and led me to the bathroom. I let go of her arm and sat myself on the counter.

Demi turned the faucet on for the tub, letting the water start filling it. She turned around, motioning for me to follow her to the shower. I got up, walking over and waiting.

She quickly turned the shower on, holding her hand under the water, waiting for it to get warm.

She nodded once it was warm enough, motioning for me to get in. I stepped in, waiting for her to do the same.

Demi smiled and got in, quickly rinsing her body off. I stood waiting for her to be done.

"Come here.", she grabbed my hand, pulling me a little bit closer to her body.

I giggled as she kissed my neck. She pulled away, smiling.

Demi turned and grabbed a washcloth, quickly putting soap and turning to me.

"Want me to do it or do you got it?", I pointed to her, not feeling like I could do it myself.

I watched as Demi smiled, leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine.

"I think you're little right now baby.", I let out a whine and shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Am not...", she chuckled and nodded, pulling away and quickly running the washcloth over my body.

She finished quickly, turning the water off and stepping out.

She held out her hand, I grabbed it and followed her as she led me to the tub.

She turned the water off, turning and grabbing a towel. She dried herself off and then turned to me, doing the same for me.

I scrunched up my face, not understanding why she'd dry us off if we were going to get back into water.

Demi stepped into the tub, sitting herself down and then looking up at me.

"Come on, get in baby.", I nodded and stepped in, sitting down and leaning back against Demi chest.

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, leaning my cheek against her shoulder.

Demi pulled me closer, wrapping her arms around me.

"Relax babygirl, I'll take care of you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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