chapter 20

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I let out a yawn and stretched my body. As I moved my arm I felt it lightly tap Demi. I moved my arm back to myself so I wouldn't wake her up. But right as I was moving it she woke up.

Yawning as well and stretching. I watched as she arched her back, the bed sheets sliding off her chest and towards her stomach.

I watched as her eyes slowly looked over at me. She laughed when I looked away.

She let out a sigh as she leaned over and pulled me against her.

She planted kisses along my neck which made me shiver.

"Good morning baby." I turned my head so I was looking at her, she took the opportunity to kiss me.

I closed my eyes as she kissed me, moving her hand to rest on my hip.

She giggled into the kiss because of how I relaxed and melt at her touch.

When she pulled away I pouted a little which made her giggle.

"Since today is Saturday I was thinking we could get off campus for a little while. We will by all means have at the least one guard or an officer with us." I was confused about the guard thing until I remembered.

I nodded and snuggled against her.

"I'd love to get off campus but right now I just wanna snuggle." She smiled and nodded, moving me so I was wrapped around her.

I giggled as I sat up, moving myself to straddle her body.

Demi smirked and ran her hands along my thighs, lightly scratching her nails as she went down.

"I think the random bursts of confidence you get are so cute." I felt my face heat up which in turn made me hide my face.

"Oh come on I jinxed it!" I giggled as she pulled my hands away from my face. "Come on it is cute. One minute your under me, whimpering at my touch and then the next your doing stuff like this. Straddling me and teasing me. Maybe you're a switch instead of a sub." I shook my head and flopped next to her.

"No switch, only sub." Demi smirked and acted like she was thinking.

"Mmmm I think you're a little switch." I whined and pulled the pillow over my face, groaning and letting out a sigh of defeat.

She pulled me down so I laid on top of her, rubbing my back and kissing my cheek every few minutes.

After a while I felt sleepy which she must have sensed.

"Think it's time to go eat." I groaned, not wanting to get up from the bed.

Demi laughed and sat me up. She got me to sit and then got up, walking into the bathroom and turning the lights on.

I sat and waited for her to come back. When she did come back she had two bathrobes. She threw on at me and put the other one on herself.

I sat and made a tiny pout, not really wanting to put anything on.

I laid back and crossed my arms, I wanted to see how much she would take before getting to the point of punishment.

Demi came over ad stood in front of her bed, she pulled my legs and stood in between them and gave a serious glare.

"Why are you acting like a brat?" I giggled and shrugged.

"Cause I can....and you can't stop me." I smirked playfully and watched as her expression changed.

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