chapter 64

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"Demi!", She grabbed a hold of my waist and spun me around, quickly grabbing me and sitting me on her desk.

She hurried herself, lining back up and pushing in. I whined and leaned back.

She wrapped her arms around my thighs and lifted me up, I reached forward, holding onto her shoulders.

"Be a good girl and hold on tight.", I nodded feverishly and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, holding onto my left forearm.

She slid her hands down and held onto me by my ass, she quickly pushed me back and then pulled me forward.

I choked out moan, feeling a bit of drool coming from my motuh.

I closed my eyes, letting myself just get fucked.

Demi chuckled and kissed my head.

"Look how much if a slut you are baby. Fucking drooling", I whimpered and pushed my face against her shoulder, embarrassed by how worked up I was.

She laughed and let go of me, holding on with her right hand.

I opened my eyes a little, looking up at Demi, she was biting her lip and all around looking hot.

She glanced down and me and smirked, giving my ass a quick slap.

I let out a small yelp, pushing my face back into her shoulder.

She let out a small chuckle, slowly down a little and placing me on the desk. She started to pull out, letting go of me and unwrapping my arms from her.

I whimpered, reaching forward and trying to pull her back down.

"Hey, it's okay baby. Calm down.", She pulled out and smirked at me, holding me down with one of her hands.

I squirmed, reaching up and fumbling to grab her. She held out her hand and let me hold it, trying to find a way to make me stay still.

She let go of me with her other hand and stood back, she took the strap on off and placed it next to me on the desk.

I scrunched up my face, curious of what she was gonna do.

She smirked as she sat down, pulling her chair closer to the desk.

"What are you doing?", She chuckled, wrapping her arms around my thighs.

She smiled at me as she spread my legs, her thumbs gently running up and down my skin.

I whimpered as she leaned forward, she looked up a little and made eye contact. I went to speak but she pushed her face forward and pushed her tongue inside me.

I let out a gasp, scrambling to grab something. Demi glanced up, meeting my eyes right away.

She let go of one of my thighs and grabbed my hand, putting it on the back of her head.

I quickly gripped her hair, letting out a moan as she brought her hand down and pushed her fingers in. I felt her chuckle a little, running her tongue over my clit.

I pushed my hips up, trying to get more of her tongue.

A shiver ran down my back, I shook a little and whined.

Demi started to go faster, curling her fingers and using her tongue more.

"Demi! Fuck...I'm gonna cum!", She laughed as she sped up even more. Her hand had to be cramping up at this point.

I let out a moan as I came, my body shaking completely as I laid on the desk.

My head hung off the desk, I could hear Demi get up and walk around the desk though. When she walked in front of the desk I realized she still had her heels on.

She gently grabbed my head, holding it in her left hand.

I whimpered, Demi tilted my head back a little more. I gripped the desk and tried to not panic.

"You're fine, calm down."

I whined, turning my body a little and sitting up. Demi let go of my head and let me sit, walking back around her desk.

I reached forward, pulling her towards myself. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me a little closer to her body.

I put my hands on her shoulders, holding myself up and against her.

Demi chuckled, running her right hand down my body, going towards where I needed to be touched.

"Demi pleasepleaseplease!", She eagerly pushed her fingers in, pulling me even closer with her free hand.

I let out a gasp, my body twitching as she fingered me.

I pushed my face into her shoulder, moaning as she went faster.

Demi moved her face closer to my head, leaning right beside my ear.

"This feel good baby? Huh? Does it feel nice to have my fingers inside your little pussy? I bet you love it, knowing only my fingers can make you feel this good. Only my fingers can make you scream and shake.", I nodded just barely, pushing myself against her fingers.

I gasped, pulling her other hand over and placing it on my clit.

She chuckled and moved her hand back, leaned a bit to the side and opening a drawer and pulling out a vibrator. She turned it on and pressed it against me.

"DEM!-", I pushed my face into her chest, my mouth hanging open.

My body shook as she sped up, the whole feeling becoming too much.

"You're doing such a good job baby, cum for me babe, go ahead.", I reached up and held onto her shoulder, pushing my face into the bend of my elbow.

I moaned, I sounded broken as I did. My body released and I collapsed into her arms, Demi chuckled, kneeling down and pulling her fingers out.

I whimpered, my body tired and sore.

I looked down little, Demi smirked as she placed her fingers in her mouth.

She didn't break eye contact, she kept her eyes locked on mine the whole time.

I let out a sigh, watching as she crept closer to me. She placed her hands on my thighs, pushing her face closer and pressing her tongue against me.

I moved back, scrambling to get away from her tongue, my body way to sensitive.

Demi held down my thighs, she pulled her head away and stared at me.

"Sit still, I know you're sensitive but I'm cleaning you up.", I whimpered, gripping at the desk as she pushed her face right back down.

I closed my eyes, gripping the desk as she cleaned me.

Demi lifted her head up, licking her lips once she was done.

"I think I have a new favorite taste."

(Some good ole smut for my little nasties :)
Cherish it, no smut for a while.)

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