chapter 21

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"Okay, how about you help me wash the dishes, we can go get dressed and then we will go in my car and drive around." I nodded and stood up, taking my dish and glass and bringing them to the sink.

Demi did the same and gave a kiss on the back of my neck.

"We wont be able to go out for long because I have paper work to do and it's for your safety." I pouted but nodded, understanding that work never really ends and that I technically am in danger.

Demi turned on the water and started to wash the dishes, she handed each one to me so I could dry them.

Every few dishes she would flick soap and water at me, she laughed every time because my reaction didn't change any of the times.

She flicked water again and I huffed, leaning over and getting water on my hands. She gave me a serious look and neither of us moved.

"Don't" I smiled and let out a tiny giggle as I flicked water at her. I laughed and ran around the counter and into her bedroom, jumping on the bed and hiding under the covers. It was hard to move with the bathrobe on so I took it off, placing it next to me.

I heard the sink turn off and Demi walking over to the bedroom.

The door opened and I bit my lip, trying to keep quiet. Though it was very easy to see me I wanted to see if she'd realize I was on the bed.

She cleared her throat and placed a hand on the covers on the bed. My body flinched a little which really gave me away.

Suddenly she pulled the covers away, I grabbed a hold of them and held on tightly, making sure they stayed on me.

"Why you hiding baby? hmmm?" I blushed and slowly let go, she smiled as the covers came away from my body.

When she saw I didn't have the bathrobe on she smirked and knelled on the bed.

Hovering over me and sending chills down my spine.

She chuckled and I took the pillow and pulled it over my body. "Why you hiding? Baby I've seen your body, it's fine." I whined and blushed.

Demi leaned down and kissed me a little.

"Lets get dressed so we can go out." I nodded and sat up, Demi got off the bed and went into her closet.

I stretched and got up, grabbing my clothes from my bag.

I put on a blue t-shirt and black basketball shorts. When I turned back Demi was in her normal dress-pants and white button up.

"You look like a very strict teacher." Demi laughed and fixed her hair. "That's because I am a very strict teacher, but in my case I'm a strict Mistress".

I quickly ran my fingers through my hair and floofed it around. Brushes weren't needed for my hair because it was that short.

Demi came over and wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her chin on my shoulder.

"You look so cute." I chuckled and looked at her. "I'm in a big t-shirt and in baggy shorts." she giggled and shrugged, placing a kiss on my neck.

She let go of me and walked out of the room. I stayed for a moment and put on my sneakers.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room, Demi was leaning against the wall and had her arms crossed.

"Come on, we gotta hurry these trips along." I stopped moving and looked down. Clearly it was an inconvenience for her to go out.

I shook my head and just turned around.

"Can we just skip the shopping and stuff? Lets just go to your office so you can do your paper work." Demi stood up straight and came over, her face was now worried and she sorta seemed scared.

"No baby I didn't mean we couldn't g-"I shook my head and just grabbed my bag and my phone.

"Lets just go to your office, it's probably safer anyways." I walked towards the door and just waited. Demi walked over and crouched down.

"Ry we can go shop-" I shook my head again, now getting annoyed.

"Can we just go to your office? Screw shopping, we can do it when I don't have two grown men hunting me down." Demi looked very worried that this was affecting me.

She stood there and didn't speak, she didn't even move. I sighed and shook my head, turning and opening the door and walking into the hallway.

I heard shuffling from inside the room and the sound of heels hurrying along the floors.

I sat down on the floor and waited, ignoring anyone that walked by.

Suddenly the door opened again and Demi walked out. I looked up and saw that her face red as well as her eyes.

I was confused but didn't know what to really ask.

Clearly something was wrong but the question of what it was wasn't popping up.

Demi stood and waited for me to get up, only I didn't get up. I stayed seated on the ground. I heard Demi huff which made me look up.

"Can you please get up so we can go to my office." she was staring down at me which was kinda scary.

I bit my lip and took a breath as I shook my head, wanting her to question why.

Demi stared down and seemed to be going over my simple response. She crouched down and held my head in her hand.

"Please be a good girl and get up for me. We can talk when we get to my office." I nodded and went to stand, only I couldn't.

Demi was still holding my face and staring at me.

I was confused and didn't understand, my only idea was to lean forward and give her a kiss. She smiled as I kissed her so it must have been the correct idea.

She let go of my face and stood up, I got up as well and practically clung to her. As we got to the entrance of the building I got more nervous.

Anyone could be out there, and by anyone I mean those damn teachers.

As we got outside the light hit me and made me squint. Demi quickly led me to her office building. As we entered we were stopped by a student who was asking Demi some stuff.

I felt figdity and slightly uneasy as we just stood there.

 I was lucky because the conversation ended fast.

Me and Demi went to her office and she unlocked the door.

I walked in and placed my bag next to her desk, sitting down in the seat in front of her desk.

Demi was behind me and locked the door, walking over and placing her stuff on the floor as well.

She sat down and sighed, turning her chair around and facing me.

"Tell me whats on your mind."

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