chapter 48

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"You want me to order food or do you just want to eat in the cafeteria?", I shifted in her lap and laid my head on her shoulder.

"Ordering food sounds nice.", Demi nodded and leaned forward, grabbing a pen and paper.

"What do you want? Pizza, Chinese, anything specific?", I shrugged, the options sounded good but I couldn't think of which I wanted more.

"I'd love Chinese but I  get stomach cramps after I eat it."

Demi gave me a questioning look, not understanding what I fully meant.

"So like, I can eat it and all. It's not a allergic reaction, it's just that I don't know when to stop. I eat till I feel too full and then I'm making like forty trips to the bathroom.", Demi nodded and scribbled on the paper.

"I'll still eat it if you buy it, I'll just have to get ready to cut myself off after a while.", Demi shook her head and grabbed her phone.

"I think pizza is a safer bet, unless you really have a craving for Chinese.", I nodded and wiggled in her lap a little.

"I do really want it. I always just want junk food when it's that time of the month.", Demi chuckled and nodded.

"Anything specific that you want me to order?"

I thought for a moment and couldn't come up with anything right away.

I remembered that there was basically chicken fingers which was all I had ever eaten when I ordered Chinese.

"Chicken finger things. With the sweet and sour sauce.", Demi chuckled and nodded, dialing on her cell phone and holding me.

She turned me so my side was against her, wrapping her arm under my thighs and butt.

She made the order, I stayed silent he whole time.

She quickly hung up and smiled at me, bringing her other hand up and rubbing my cheek. "Your face is so soft and cute.", I rolled m eyes and laid my head against her shoulder.

"We just gonna chill till the food is done?", Demi nodded and hugged me, pulling me snug against her.

"I actually have been meaning to ask you some questions lately.", my eyes went wide and my brain shot for the worst right away.

"Did I do something wrong?", Demi shook her head and grabbed my face, kissing me and shifting me in her lap.

"No babe, you've done nothing wrong. I just wanna know how you've been doing. How have you been since you came here?"

"I know I'm around you pretty often but when I'm not I have not a clue on whats going on. I wanna know how you feel about being here. Do you like it, hate it, scared of someone or something? I wanna know.", I nodded and fiddled with her fingers.

"Nothings really happened. I mean classes are just boring, I don't hate it at all, I think its fun. I'm not scared of anything or anyone. A bit intimidated by the power some people hold I guess, but that's it."

Demi nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I just wanna know. I know you're an adult and all but I am just scared something might happen and you might not tell me.", I nodded and intertwined my hand with hers.

"If I have an issue, trust me, you'll be the first to hear it. I can't keep my mouth shut for shit when it comes to drama.", Demi chuckled traced shapes over my thigh with her other hand.

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