chapter 80

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"It's alright baby, I'll give you a bath and you can relax for a bit.", I nodded and reached over, pulling her closer.

She chuckled, kissing my cheek and pulling me into her arms.

"Just wanna snuggle for a minute?", I whimpered and pushed my face into her shoulder. Demi laughed and rubbed my back, gently rocking me in her arms.

I let out a yawn and sighed, feeling exhausted.

Demi smiled and kissed my head. She sat up and pulled me with her.

I held onto her and pushed my face into her shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you a bath so you can sleep.", I nodded and stretched a little, whining as I got a shiver down my back.

Demi got up, pulling me towards the end of the bed. She smiled and picked me up, walking into the bathroom and placing me in the counter.

She flipped on the light and walked over to the tub, turning on the tap and letting the water fill up.

I gently kicked my legs around, watching as she turned around and smiled at me.

"You're silly sometimes.", Demi came over and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me off the counter.

I let out a tiny yelp when my feet hit the floor, the tile cold against my feet.

Demi laughed and picked me up, turning and pushing my back against the wall. I whimpered and held onto her shoulders, pushing my hips against her.

She chuckled and pressed herself even closer to me, gently pressing kisses along my shoulder.

"So cute baby...sooo cute.", she gently bit her lip and smirked as I pushed myself closer to her.

"Come on, lets get you washed and clean.", she moved back and pulled me along, leading me into the tub.

She held my hand as I stepped into the tub, I sat down right away and smiled up at her. Demi chuckled, getting down and kneeling beside the tub.

She cupped her hands in the water and let the water out over my head, chuckling as I closed my eyes and wiped at my face.

Demi turned around for a second to grab a bottle of shampoo, I leaned my chin against the edge of the tub and smiled as she turned around.

She let out a quiet gasp, smiling as she shook her head.

"Come on, let me just wash your hair and wash you up and then we can go snuggle in bed.", I whimpered and nodded, sitting up straight so she could hurry.

Demi quickly washed my hair, tilting my head back down to rinse the shampoo out.

She grabbed a wash cloth and quickly washed me, once she was done she drained the tub and helped me up. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me, picking me back up and carrying me into the bedroom.

She laid me on the bed, smirking as she went to close to bedroom door.

"Snuggle.", I held my arms in the air and waited fir her to come back into the bed. SHe chuckled and got into bed, she laid next to me and pulled me into her chest, sighing as I snuggled into her chest.

"You're such a snuggly girl.", Demi kissed my head and pulled the covers up closer to our shoulders.

I giggled as I pushed my head under the covers, smiling as I laid my head against her chest.

"You know, I've been thinking about you and the being little thing, I was thinking about buying you some stuff.", I turned my head and looked up at her, questioning what she meant.

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