chapter 39

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"Here you go Mistress Lovato.", I whined and pulled my pillow over my head.

Last thing I wanted was to be bothered.

The bed dipped a little, I felt hands wrap around my body as I laid.

I whimpered and kept my eyes shut tight.

"Shhh baby, I got you.", I whined a little and shifted, hitting my face on something hard.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was being held. I turned a little and saw that Demi was holding me.

But how? I blocked the door and it opened inwards. How she got in was a bit confusing.

I whined and attempted to wiggle from her arms. She held onto me tighter and was not about to let go.

"baby it's okay. It's only me.", I looked up and whined again, still trying to get out of her grip.

Eventually I stopped, she wasn't letting go anytime soon.

"I'm sorry for giving you an attitude baby. I was mad cause of something prior to the meeting.", I pushed my face into her arm, not even caring.

I just wanted to fall back asleep.

"I'm not gonna force you to wear the skirt. The only time you will wear one is if you and me are doing a scene. Okay?", I glanced up and quickly thought it through.

At least during a scene only she would see me, wouldn't be the end of the world.

I nodded and just held on.

"Can I sleep now?", Demi chuckled and nodded, she laid me back under the covers and laid beside me a little.

I yawned and cuddled into her arms.

"Go sleep at your dorm, we still have to make the plan work.", Demi sighed and pulled me into her arms.

"I'm staying till you fall back asleep, then I'm gonna leave.", I looked up and shook my head.

"No, it'll be dark, I don't want you getting hurt.". Demi chuckled and pushed my hair out of my face.

"It's still the afternoon, your body was so exhausted from crying that you're tired. It's still light out and everything.", I rolled my eyes and laid my head on my pillow.

"Just go to sleep, you can get your notes from someone tomorrow.", I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to fall back asleep.

Demi rubbed my back, trying to make me fall asleep faster.

It surprisingly worked.

I was quickly out like a light.


I rolled over a little, feeling a blanket tucked under me.

As I rolled I let out a yelp as I fell off the bed.

I whined and just curled up a little.

"Ow...", I squinted my eyes, letting them slowly adjust to the room.

I got up slowly, holding onto the bed for support.

Once up, I walked over and checked my phone.

There was a sticky note next to it. I picked it up and read it. It was from Demi.

"Hi baby,
Just letting you know that you have to report to the academy nurse this afternoon. everyone has to, I made it so you went last. I'm gonna be there in general so I'll explain it to you when you go. It's during your second class, your instructor will bring you and the rest of the class down. I have to explain it to everyone. You also start uniforms today, I had brought down some pants and the white button up for you. Class is as normal other wise. Love you baby, have a good day."

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