chapter 67

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Demi stared up at me, her mouth open a little. Shocked that I even tried to hold her down.

"Someone trying to be a little switch?", I pouted, shaking my head and sliding off of her.

She sat up and wrapped her arms around my waist. I laid my head on her shoulder and pushed my face into her neck.

"Don't get embarrassed baby, it's alright to be a switch.", I huffed and wiggled from her arms.

"I'm not a switch. I'm a sub, small and subby and that's how it's gonna stay.", Demi pulled me back and laid down, pulling me on top of her.

She ran her hands along my back, pressing kisses along my neck.

"Listen, I know you don't wanna be considered a switch, but do you think you'd be willing to try to find out if you're a switch?", I huffed and whined, shaking my head.

Demi sat up, pulling my legs around her waist and pulling my body close. I whimpered as she pulled me close, getting chills as I leaned against her.

She kissed my cheek and put her chin on my shoulder.

"I'm not gonna work you up anymore, I'll just let you know that if you were to see if you're a switch it would be with me. Just taking a few days to be slightly in charge of me, and only me.", I hummed, and nodded, fiddling with her hand.

She chuckled, bringing her hand up and holding my face in her hand.

I smiled and pressed my head farther into her hand, she chuckled and kissed my head.

"I also wanna try pet play with you because you act like such a...I don't know actually."

I perked up and smiled, holding both of her hands to my chest.

"KITTEN!", I whined and pushed my face into her chest, trying to hide how red my face was becoming.

Demi chuckled and rubbed her hands on my sides, her chest shaking as she laughed.

"Alright then, you're my little kitten.", I let out a tiny squeak, hiding my face with my hands.

Demi chuckled, sitting up and pulling me against her body. She stood up, carrying me to her room.

I whimpered as she laid me down, walking away and closing the bedroom door.

She came back over, flopping down on the bed and laying next to me. I curled my body up against hers, pushing my head against her shoulder.

She wrapped her arms around my body, pulling me closer, reaching down and pulling the covers up as well.

I smiled, and let out a tiny giggle, my face reddening as she moved her head back to look at me.

"Hey, look at me for a second, I wanna talk.", I hesitated as I lifted head, scared that she was gonna say something bad.

"Do you know what little space is?", I nodded, laying my head on the pillow and keeping my attention on her.

"Well...I've been thinking lately and when you did that little giggle earlier I started to question if you're a little. I just wanna know how you'd feel about doing that kind of stuff.", I whined, shaking my head.

"Don't get upset, I just wanted to mention it. Plus, I don't think you're little a lot, it only seems like it after we do anything sexual. It's perfectly fine if you are by the way, you know I'll take care of you no matter what.", I nodded but pushed my face back into her chest.

Demi chuckled, running her hands along my back. "How about we have some more fun?"

My face flushed, my body warming up right away.

I nodded my head a little, looking up and seeing Demi smirk. She sat up, getting onto all fours and crawling over me, she sat herself down on my hips, leaning down and grabbing my tits.

I whimpered, hiding my face with my arms. Demi chuckled, continuing what she was doing.

Demi got off my hips, pushing my legs up right away, I let out a gasp and looked down, she laid herself on her stomach and wrapped her arms around my thighs.

I scrambled to reach down, tangling my fingers in her hair. She chuckled, pushing her face forward and getting to work.

I let out a yelp, my hips bucking up. Demi quickly pulled my hips down, her grip on me twice as tight.

"DEMI!", my legs shook as she gently sucked on my clit. I felt her chuckle a little, the vibration from her chuckle making me shake.

I threw my head back, pulling the pillow over my face, I bit down on the pillow in an attempt to stay quiet.

She started to slow down, and soon stopped for a moment.

I pulled the pillow away, and tried to grab her to push her back down.

She chuckled as she moved up a little.

"You don't need the pillow baby, I got you.", She pushed the pillow from my hand and moved her head back down, she held her hand near my face. She grabbed my chin and pulled my head down a little, quickly pushing her fingers into my mouth.

I whined but gladly accepted what she was doing.

I pushed my hips up and grasped her hair, pulling her just a tiny bit closer.

She sped up her fingers and her tongue, digging her nails of her other hand into my thigh.

I whimpered as my body shook, crying out as I came. Demi chuckled, slowing down and pulling away.

I curled up a little, reaching down and making grabby hands at her.

Demi laughed, crawling up and pulling me into her arms. She pulled the covers over us, snuggling with me in her arms.

I could feel myself dripping as we laid there.

I snuggled into her arms, sighing as she placed kisses along my face and neck.

Demi shifted, laying onto her back and pulling my leg over her body.

She chuckled as I pushed myself as close as I could to her, pushing my head up and kissing her lips.

She smiled and pulled my face closer. I laid myself on her a little more, letting out a tiny yip when she pushed her hands under the covers. She grabbed my ass and pulled my body up a little.

I pulled back to catch my breath.

Demi smiled, and laid her head back, her hands resting on the back of my thighs.

"I think we should stop before we go at it like rabbits.", I threw my head back and laughed, a tiny snort coming out half way through. Demi started to laugh as well.

We both laid for a moment laughing, eventually calming down. I slid off of her body, laying next to her and grabbing her hand. I intertwined our fingers and rested my head on her chest.

She wrapped her other arm around my chest and ran her fingers along my skin.

We laid in silence for a few minutes, eventually Demi pulled me a little closer.

"I love you so much baby.", I looked up and smiled, reaching up and pulling her face down to mine.

When we pulled away I smiled, staring for a moment.

"I love you more than words can describe."

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