chapter 77

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"Ry, baby, are you awake?", I whined and curled farther into the bed. I didn't want to get up this early in the morning.

"Baby, please. I need you right now...",I squeezed my eyes and pulled the covers from my head. I rolled over and faced Demi, her face wasn't that visible. I grunted and looked behind her.


"Wha?", I rubbed my eyes and pushed my face into her chest. SHe wrapped her arms around ,e and pulled me closer.

"I need you baby, I had a bit of a...intense dream and now I'm all hot and bothered.", I closed one eye and looked at her, her words really weren't processing this early.

She looked down at me and sighed, pulling my leg over hers and kissing my neck.

"I had a sexual dream baby and now I'm in the mood to fuck you.", I perked up a little and smiled just a little, Demi chuckled and let go of me, laying me back against the bed.

"Just relax baby.", I whimpered as she moved under the covers, her hands running along my thighs and up my sides. I felt myself getting goosebumps, shivering a little as she got comfortable.

I lifted the covers a little and made eye contact with her.

"be a good girl for me and spread your legs.", I nodded and moved my legs apart, demi pushed them up a little and spread them just a little more. I pushed my hips into the bed, gently wiggling myself in front of her.

She smirked and wrapped her arms around my thighs, gently pinching along my inner thighs. I whined and placed my hands over hers.

She smiled as she slowly pushed her tongue against me. I whimpered and grinded against her mouth.

I let out a gasp, gripping the sheets of the bed and closing my eyes.

I arched my back, a low moan leaving my lips. Demi let go of one of my thighs, bringing her hand right next to her mouth.

She gently pushed a finger in, going slow and gentle.

"Demi....fuck...", She chuckled and went faster with her finger, pushing another in as well.

Even as she went faster I could still feel myself falling asleep.

I whimpered, not wanting to fall asleep while she was in the middle of pleasing me.

As she went I felt myself getting right to the edge, I pushed my hips up against her mouth, feeling breathe less as she continued.

I suddenly let out a loud moan as I came. I didnt even feel close enough to cum but I did.

Demi slowed down and eventually came to a stop, cleaning me up and crawling back up to me.

"Was that good baby?", I nodded and curled up, snuggling into her arms.

She smiled and pulled me closer.

"I'm sorry for waking you up. Go back to sleep, I'll let you sleep in in the morning.", I nodded, wiggling a bit and getting out of her grip, I turned on my other side and pushed myself back into her.

She wrapped an arm around me and pulled me back, kissing my neck and pulling the covers up.

"Good night for real baby.", I let out a mumble and quickly fell back asleep.


"Hey come on baby, wake up for me.", I whined and pushed my face into the pillow.

I felt Demi put her hand on my back and gently rub her hand around.

The bed shifted a little and soon enough she had me in her arms and was holding me.

I pulled my face away and saw that she was laying down with me, just holding me and letting me stay.

She saw me looking and smiled, kissing my forehead and being gentle as she scratched my head.

"I'll let you relax for a few more minutes but I'm gonna get you dressed. Okay?", I nodded and sighed, closing my eyes and hiding my face in the pillow again.

Demi chuckled, letting go of me and getting up. She pulled the covered up and under my chin, walking away and grabbing my clothes.

She came back, placing then on the bed. I moved my head from the pillow and squinted, watching her as she sat next to me.

She pulled the covers off and cooed as I tried pulling them back, the air being way too cold.

"I know baby, I'll hurry up, don't worry.", I whined and pulled the sheet up and between my legs, trying to keep my torso warm.

She pulled the sheet back and quickly got my underwear on, grabbing my pants and doing the same. She left the pants unzipped though.

She grabbed a bra and white T-shirt and sat me up a little.

She quickly pulled my bra over me and the t-shirt, she grabbed the button up shirt and pulled that on me as well.

"Thank you for not putting up a fight this time.", I smiled at her and stared for a moment.

"I still have time to.", Demi smiled at me and let go of the shirt, running her hand up and gently rubbing her thumb against my cheek.

She smirked and moved her hand down, gently placing it on my throat.

"You wanna try? Wanna see how red your pretty little ass can get?", I whimpered and shook my head, reached and grabbing her free hand. I gently placed her hand inside my pants and pushed against it.

Demi chuckled, the smirk on her face growing a little.

She let go of my throat and moved closer, slinging her arm around my shoulders and pulling me into her.

She kissed my head and let out a small sigh.

"Relax baby, I'll take care of you later. We got to get you to class, you've missed too much time.", I nodded and turned myself a little, pushing my face into her shoulder.

"Can I come to your office during lunch?", Demi nodded and gave me a hug, squeezing me and kissing my head.

"Come on, enough just sitting here, let's go.", I sat back and pouted, Demi chuckled and stood up, pulling me up with her.

She buttoned my shirt and tucked it into my pants, zipping those and smiling at me. She reached around me and gave a smack to my ass, chuckling when my face turned red.

"You're so cute when you blush baby.", I whined and hid my face with my hands, trying not to blush even more.

She laughed and handed me my bag.

"Come on baby, don't want you to be late."

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